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2009/08/31 00:57:55瀏覽594|回應0|推薦0










5 means: the naked eye sky eye, eye, Hogan, Foyan.
The naked eye: It is Bonos eye. Can be barrier-free color photos reveal. Into the blood of the parents is that the flesh.

Bonos eyes, dark encounter obstacles, not see the kingdom of the. Will see the past not see far, after the op not see, see the inside not see things, see the daytime not seen Night, op not see, the color quality due to obstacles to the rules.

Eye in the sky: It is Heavens eye, can significantly according to whether the hidden color barrier. Meditation derived from the heavens because of repair, this eye meditation available to people in the repair, do not ask far and wide within and outside the days and nights, Jiexi visibility.

Eyes: Yes Shengwen eye. View all acts voted down altogether, but no sentient beings phase.

Hogan: Yes, the eyes of Buddha. Hui-hui as a body together, different eye realm, the Buddha for the degree of sentient beings in order to clean Hogan over the concept of Zhufa, kept in the dark can do it.

Foyan: Yes, if they visit the eye. Buddha is enlightened, to see my past, present and future of all phenomena, is felt according to Zhufashixiang eye, so all the cosmic phenomena are to be found.

( 心情隨筆單身日記 )
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