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Chinese master ( H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III) makes history as painting sells f
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Chinese master ( H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III)

makes history as painting sells for record price (Video)

Chinese master (H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III) makes history as painting sells for record price

The Explanation of the Buddha’s Title – “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”

On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified first-publishing ceremony of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which published jointly by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc., was held at the Library of the Congress of the United States. The book was also formally accepted into the collection of the Library of the Congress of the United States. Only since that time, did people in the world know that Master Wan Ko Yee, who had been broadly respected by the great masses and who had also been known as Great Dharma King Yangwo Yeshe Norbu, had been recognized by the world’s leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of Buddhism through official documents as the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, who is the primordial Sambhogakaya Buddha of the universe. The Buddha’s name is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Since then, people began to address His Holiness the Buddha by “Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III.” This is similar to the situation that Sakyamuni Buddha’s name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama before attaining Buddhahood. However, after Sakyamuni Buddha had attained Buddhahood, His title changed to “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.” That is why we now address His Holiness the Buddha as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.”

In particular, on December 12, 2012, the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress officially used “His Holiness” in the name addressing Dorje Chang Buddha III (That is to say, “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.”) Since then, the title and status of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has been definitive by nature. And, as a matter of fact, “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a name used legally in governmental and official legislative documents. Therefore, the previously used respected name and titles such as “Wan Ko Yee,” Great Master, and Great Dharma King no longer exist.

However, the news below was published before the Buddha’s title of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was publicly announced. At that time, people did not know about the true status of His Holiness the Buddha. Therefore, to respect the true history, we still kept the names used before the title of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was legitimately determined in republishing this news. However, all must clearly know that the only legitimate name of His Holiness the Buddha is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and all other names used before the legitimate determination no longer exist.

aiwan News 英文台灣新聞 Monday,November 27, 2000 Chinese master makes history as painting sells for record price BY HALEY CHANG STAFF REPORTER Master Wan Ko Yee, master of Buddhism and art, yesterday made Chinese art history when his painting was sold for the highest price ever by a living Chinese artist. His painting,“Venerable Da Li Won”, broke the painters own record when it sold for NT$72 million, or US$467 per square inch, an official from the auction said. “Originally, we estimated that it might be sold for about NT$30 million. However, the bidding went higher and higher. Though the final selling price was beyond what we had expected, it wasn’t really much of a surprise because Master Wan Ko Yee is very influential in the religious world and his painting is outstanding”, said Thomas Fan, an official at the Chinese Painting Department of Unique Art Collections International Co.,Ltd. Fan said that the bidding for the painting started at NT$18 million and that a British art collector and art merchant, Mr. Naylor, made the final bid. Fan added that the company was not allowed to release any further information about the buyer. The record selling price of US$467 per square inch beat the record of his last painting “Majesty,” which was auctioned off at the price of US$455 per square inch on May 28, according to a statement released by the Unique Art Collections International. Master Wan Ko Yee has received high recognition worldwide. Both the governments of the State of California and City of San Francisco have separately proclaimed March 8, 2000 as‘Master Wan Ko Yee Day’because of his outstanding achievements in various fields.

影片鏈接: https://youtu.be/q_UdPr1FboU #DorjeChangBuddhaIII

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