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Tea is a silent and affectionate confidant
2018/01/18 11:50:43瀏覽21|回應0|推薦0
Life, the closer to the years, the more deeply understand. Some meet, like to appreciate a flower blossoming, quietly open, quietly falling, even though silent, but like an empty stringed piano performance, amazing time, gentle years.
"Now the voice is silent." One day, a lonely leaf, met the water of his life. The light fragrance is in the cup to bloom, slightly aftertaste. The faint fragrance is lingering in the nose, subtle flavor. Hold hands and dance in silence, mutual appreciation and mutual understanding.
One of the most beautiful languages in the world is that I don't say anything, but you know what I want to say. The tea is noiseless and unspoken. Silent understanding, silent company. "Who sues?" In this world, I wish one of you can understand the frustration behind your smile, and the hardships of success. Such a knowledge, is silent also moved, is silent and tacit understanding.
A leaf that has been dried by the years, full of the baptism of time. In the right water, slowly find the most authentic, the best self. Tea is like a bosom friend, though it is silent. Each time of the tea, it is a longing, a gratitude, in a quiet good, silently accompany the time, time. It is good to have your time, to find each other in solitude, to feel the beauty of one another in each other.
Understand, never need big words. Xu guangping is the gongfu tea in lu xun's life, and a slow product, which is accompanied by silent companionship, has added to the meaning of life of literary giants. Xiao shan is the green tea in ba jin's life. He is silent and silent for the whole life. He is out of the world, and he is not changed in ba jin's heart. He is fresh and fresh, as if he had met at first.
Yang jiang is the black tea of qian zhongshu world. The most virtuous wife, the most talented woman. To get such a courtesy and praise, only known as "the woman" Yang jiang, just like black tea is worth a long time, long taste. And jin yuelin is Lin Huiyin white tea in the world, "choose to live and Lin" that is white tea in the days of love is the best interpretation: "some things never not old, such as white tea to water of love at first sight, a lifetime together."
The stringed instrument plays like a silent tea in its water. Silent is the big state, big feelings. Everything is providence, everything is the arrangement of the underworld, everything is empty and seems to be great, everything is silent and magnificent, beautiful. Quiet as a virgin, like a rabbit. Stillness is a gesture and a beautiful state. The beautiful things in the world are as beautiful as flowers and pictures.
"Tea meets the water", is silent also knows. Guan zhong and bao shu fang, yu bofang and zhong ziqi, xie zhiyin, liu, gu MAO asked the world. "A man dies for his own man." A song of high mountains and rivers, yunshui meditation on how many tea lovers. May you be in the middle of the lake, but you can meet the true water of your life, like the tea, you know your heart.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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