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《萬古流芳》One’s name will live on forever 〔PS于〕全新創作單曲
2024/10/21 01:31:42瀏覽236|回應0|推薦6



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.《萬古流芳》One’s name will live on forever


摩天大樓聳立雲霄 Towering skyscrapers pierce the sky

彩霞湧動古今映照 Sunset’s hues reflect the past and nigh

[第 2 節]

人心如潮迭待更新 Human hearts are like tides, ever waiting for renewal

華燈初上目光如一 When the city lights up, our gaze is unified


民主正義公開透明心 A heart for democracy and justice

青天白日人人得益 Prosperity for all under a peaceful sky

[第 3 節]

傳承中華正統文化 To uphold the orthodox values of Chinese civilization

萬古流芳唯有和平 Only in peace can honor be preserved for eternity


霓虹閃爍鋪展前景 The neon lights flicker, illuminating the foreground

城市心跳和諧共鳴 In harmony with the heartbeat of the city


民主正義公開透明 Democracy, justice, clear and bright,

青天白日人人得益 Prosperity for all under a peaceful sky

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