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【AI王子】《A Song for You, Shona》
2024/02/16 14:25:03瀏覽173|回應0|推薦5

A Song for You, Shona

作詞 V

影片製作 M


In a world full of colors, you shine so bright

With every melody, you fill our hearts with light (ooh-yeah)

Todays your day, we celebrate your birth

With this song, we show you all your worth (ooh-ooh)



Happy birthday, Shona, this ones for you (for you)

May your dreams come true, in everything you do

Happy birthday, Shona, were singing this for you (for you)

Youre a star in our eyes, forever shining through (ooh-yeah)



祝福您 永遠幸福平安 ~

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