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skillet and toss to combine the fridge
2015/10/02 11:50:05瀏覽119|回應0|推薦0
This colorful, quick dinner dish is a great way to use up leftover rice, ham, or other odds and ends you might have languishing in .
Total Time: 0:30
Prep: 0:30
Level: Moderate
Yield: 4 servings (cost per serving of $1.18)
Serves: 4

    1 c. long-grain white rice
    1 tbsp. vegetable oil
    6 oz. thick-cut sliced ham
    1 lb. pineapple
    1 large red pepper
    1 medium red onion
    1 jalape?o
    1 piece fresh ginger
    2 clove garlic
    chopped fresh cilantro
    Lime wedges


    Cook the rice according to package directions.
    Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat executive training. Add the ham and cook, tossing occasionally, until beginning to brown, about 3 minutes. Add the pineapple and cook until beginning to brown around the edges, 3 to 4 minutes.
    Add the pepper and cook, tossing, for 2 minutes. Add the onion and cook, tossing, for 3 minutes. Add the jalape?o, ginger, and garlic and cook, tossing occasionally, until the vegetables are just tender, 2 to 3 minutes more.
    Add the cooked rice to the . Serve with cilantro and lime wedges, if desired.

Tips & Techniques
Tip: For fried rice with the best texture, cook the rice the day before and cool in the fridge. Or, after cooking the rice, spread out on a rimmed baking sheet to cool as much as possible before adding to the skillet. This will keep the grains from sticking together 4D Ultra V Lift.

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