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more bright and clean
2016/02/25 10:37:02瀏覽161|回應0|推薦0

Future and struggle of the past one year, lifted up his eyes, more clear own orientation and ability. Ambition in mind IP Networking, but won't do those things in vain. In life, work hard and still not less easily. For the happiness of love for each other's comfort, for his own life value and significance, unremittingly, not idle. Brigade cangmang, how brilliant not fate, but read, able to walk, clear conscience regret calmly, is enough.

As winter endings, 2:00 is slowly faded layers of Shirley, gradually softening of the bones. Since the snow covered pavilion porch corner tiles, came the faint mei xiang. Xu had heard the news of the spring, at this time of itself and all , to warm. Hill high water is the heart of the garden, forget the world changes in temperature and short lengths; Mood through the years, snow, listening to, may not live up to, number of enron gentleman with good pleasure.

Clean room has a window, bluegrass faint, holding a book, read a ZhenJing of alone time. Life condition, finally can have a cup of cool and refreshing sweet goods. A small window, such as yan, bloomy spring return.

Like to drink chrysanthemum tea in summer, winter, like coffee, it is with me closer people know hobby, often distinctions to do a gift. His friends occasionally go to yunnan, hainan and other places to produce coffee, occasionally some speciality of exquisite packaging to send me back. Mountains at the heart, always can product out a special smell; The aroma of the secular human, ooze heart warm Nespresso.
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