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Where is the typhoon and my vacation??
2010/09/19 17:07:00瀏覽521|回應1|推薦0


Today is the typhoon day,

but I still attending a wedding banquet with my family this noon.

I am not happy today

because this typhoon probably not strong enough to have a vacation at next Monday.

However,just foget the bad thing and think something happy.

I bought a new glasses this afthnoon.

and I very love it!!  

Next Wednesday I will go to the barbecue with my friends.

So I am very excited now~~

I am waiting for Wednesday's arrival.

And I hope I will have a nice day with my friends^^

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typhoon holiday
2010/09/19 22:55

It's Sunday and also a typhoon holiday.

We still need to go to class this Monday. Ha!

I think you are talking about attending a wedding banquet(參加喜宴).

Show me your new glasses next time.

If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Observer, Jan. 15, 1950