從災區回來鳳山吃這二大碗: 豬油拌飯跟雕魚豆腐湯
說實在的, 大中的理想, 跟我這完全資本主義的人來說, 有時是雞同鴨講, 但我也盡量改變, 因為我也慢慢摸索人生的意義, 只有錢代表一切嗎? 或是我們能為這社會做些什麼?
我婆婆以前每週都到六龜去做義工, 現在應該無法去了. 當時我不能理解她的行為, 因為我要請個外勞幫照顧小孩的生活起居, 我才能賺更多的錢改善生活, 但是我婆婆不求回報的付出, 那或許是我該向他學習的.
可是我若沒賺錢, 她家有任何問題, 都找我......都跟錢有關......我該怎辦?
大中,好樣的 ! 但也要注意安全喲 !
Hi! 章大中,
We are so proud of having you as our alumni. Take care and don't overload yourself in the disaster zone. Safety is NO. 1 esp. you have a family with kids.
Please also pass my regards to your wife. I really enjoyed the brief chat with her during our August 1 & 2 reunion. She is a very friendly person. She also helped in taking our group pix. :)
~ 美玉
Hey 583,
The pix you took~ making him look like a different person ah. He was much good looking and skinny on August 1 & 2. I will suggest you should change another camera. :(
reply to 美玉:
1. 我就是故意把他拍成那樣, 因為我等妳買新相機給我.
2. 他二天在災區,況且跑到甲仙去,剛回到鳳山哪有可能乾乾淨淨帥帥的?
3. 那家餐廳就是復古式的,燈光就是這樣,而且我沒妳那麼勤勞,同樣一個景拍二次,一次用閃光燈,一次不用閃光燈. 我有記得把手機拿出來幫他照一張就不錯囉!
Reply to 583,
No wonder I had to ask you to change another camera. I don't like pix taken by cellphone unless you have a iPhone 3Gs or high tech cellphone. You don't have to wait for me to buy a new one. You can afford it for sure. Or we can ask "Big Bo" sponsors you. By the way, where is he now?