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iBET Online Casino – GD Live Casino Gameroom Intro
2017/10/12 16:45:42瀏覽239|回應0|推薦0

iBET Online Casino – GD Live Casino Gameroom Intro

iBET Online Casino has been devoted to providing a complete entertainment platform to our users. iBET has cooperated with many famous game developers including everyone’s favorite GD (Gold Deluxe). You can try lots of live games as well as slot games in GD. It’s easy to bet in GD which will bring all the players the best entertainment ever.

iBET Gameroom Introdution –  GD Live Casino Online

iBET Live casino game is the most popular game type in GD. In addition to original Baccarat, there are MiCard Baccarat, Roulette game, Sic Bo, and beauty dealer service. More than that, GD instruction is simple and easy for every new starter. GD game assistance will also show you the detail of various games.


The most unique thing in GD Live Casino is that you can place your bets on different tables at the same time. The maximum is three tables. You can switch tables, and by which you can experience different kinds of games at a time. Take Live Baccarat for instance; there are over five Baccarat rooms. Players are free to choose their favorite game room. In fact, players can also control their betting chips. There is no restriction on the chip amount.


GD offers three types of video formats, including Baccarat, Colour Match Baccarat, and 3D Baccarat. Players can feel free to choose your favorite mode. Don’t miss out on 3D Baccarat that you can see beauty dealers, making you feel like being in a real casino.


Besides Baccarat, Sic Bo, and Roulette, you can also try MicCard Baccarat. The new playing method of MiCard Baccarat is as follows; the person who places the maximum amount of bets has the right of taking a peek at cards. Users can see betting chips clearly on the table. It’s like you are in a real casino.


You also must try “Waiting For Me” function to control the speed of game; users can interact with beauty dealers at every moment.  Chatting and betting at the same time is a premium betting experience indeed.

GD provides not only the live casino games but also slot games. Users can also try the demo version. Want to know more about GD games?  Please go to GD Slot Games Intro to learn more.

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