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Activating Your iBET Online Casino Account Tutorial
2017/08/21 12:11:28瀏覽21|回應0|推薦0

Activating Your iBET Online Casino Account Tutorial

If you’ve registered in iBET Online Casino, then there are few simple steps to activate your account. After you complete the related procedures, it means you activate your account and are able to enjoy iBET service to the fullest. Now, just follow iBET Beginner Guide to know more.

Steps of Activating Your iBET Online Casino Account Tutorial


Step 1

Enter iBET online casino website >> http://www.ibet6888.com


Step 2

Please key in your username and password, and then click the “LOGIN” button.

Activating iBET Online Casino Account Tutorial login


Step 3

Then, click “PROFILE” to enter the profile page.


Step 4

Please key in blanks in “Bank Account Details” sector. And please type in your exact information of the following items:

1. Bank Name

2. Bank Account No

iBET offers the second bank forms for users as the backup bank account.

Activating iBET Online Casino Account Tutorial account


After filling out the form, please click “SAVE” to complete the process.

Activating iBET Online Casino Account Tutorial prolife save


Congrats! If you see the image shown in the picture below, it means you’ve activated your account!

Activating iBET Online Casino Account Tutorial ok


【iBET Tips】

– For new members, please activate your account and deposit credits in your iMONEY.
– If you want to edit your information, please contact our online customer service.


After finishing steps above, it means you’ve activated your account, and you can deposit and enjoy games immediately! If you have any problem, iBET recommends you to read How To Contact The iBET Live Chat Service. Our online customer service is always available for you anytime when you feel confused!

Read more >> iBET Teach You How To Making Deposits in Your Account

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