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Getting iBET Online Casino 0.35% Sports Rebate Tutorial
2017/08/08 16:08:55瀏覽151|回應0|推薦0

Getting iBET Online Casino 0.35% Sports Rebate Tutorial

iBET Online Casino has launched unlimited bonus for 0.35% rebate in Sports Betting to reward our users. No matter you win or lose, iBET will always support you so that you can experience the best online services. Now, follow iBET Promotions Tutorial to understand the simplest tutorial for getting rebate bonus in Sports Betting. You can get rebate bonus without any problems !


Steps For Get iBET Online Casino 0.35% Sports Rebate Tutorial

Please notice that you don’t have to apply for the bonus. Anyone who places bet in iBET Sports Room can get the rebate bonus of the rollover multiplying  0.35% .


Step 1

Please open the iBET homepage ( https://ibet6888.com )


Step 2

Log in to your iBET account and find “PLAY” on the top of the page and select “SPORTS Game Room.”


Step 3

Choose your favorite iBET Sports Gameroom betting games. Place your bet, and then access “Bet Records” on your account. Check your bet history, and the system will show you the expected rebate bonus.


Step 4

Go to “Bonus Points” section to check your rebate bonus records. The bonus will be deposited into your iMONEY before 20:00 of the next day.


Besides Sports rebate bonus, iBET Online Casino Online Promotions has launched various promotion for your selections. Through different promotions, users can get lots of rebate bonus, such as iBET Live Dealer Game Room 0.75 rebate Tutorial, iBET Slots 1% Rebate Tutorial. Don’t miss out on these articles! Now, come to iBET Promotions Tutorial to learn more and get your big prizes !

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