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iBET Guide You How To Get 20% Weekend Deposit Bonus
2017/08/03 18:34:44瀏覽33|回應0|推薦0

iBET Guide You How To Get 20% Weekend Deposit Bonus

iBET Online Casino launches a lot of campaigns frequently. Also, iBET offers you not only the most abundant and exciting games to enjoy but also various appealing bonus for you. Let’s follow iBET Promotions Tutorial to know more about the campaign of 20% weekend deposit bonus and the completed steps to getting it !

iBET Online Casino Steps To Get 20% Weekend Deposit Bonus


Step 1

Open iBET‘s homepage ( https://ibet6888.com )


Step 2

Sign in to your account and click the “DEPOSIT” button at the top of the page.


Step 3

Please select “Deposit Bank” after entering the depositing page.


Step 4

Please select “Banking Account.”


【iBET Tips】

Please contact Customer Service first to get the latest bank account and deposit money by online transfer or ATM. After completing your transfer, you can follow the steps below to fill out your request form to join the campaign.


Step 5

Please key in the deposit details.


1. This campaign is only available on Saturday and Sunday only.

2. The deposit date and time should not be in the future time.


Step 6

After you’ve completed the deposit form, please select 20% weekend deposit bonus from “Choose Your Promotion Package Here” section and click “SUBMIT” to send out your request.


Step 7

As the deposit application has been submitted, the page will show the message “Thank you!”to represent your request sent out successfully.


【iBET Tips】

iBET‘s online Customer Service will check your transaction records and transfer the amount you’ve deposited into your iMONEY  e-wallet.


【iBET Tips】

You can check your transaction history in iBET “Transaction Record” system. When the words “deposit_done” shows in the “status” blank, it means you’ve deposited money successfully.


iBET Online Casino now launches a variety of deposit campaigns, allowing you to enjoy the games as well as a number of prizes. As long as you’re iBET members, either on weekdays or weekends, you can join iBET promotion to get bonus. iBET recommends you to read How to Get 5% Daily Deposit Bonus or Get iBET Free RM50 By Deposit RM30 to know more details about receiving deposit bonus !

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