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2019/12/29 02:46:57瀏覽425|回應0|推薦0 | |
德川幕府 :中世紀日本陷入交戰部族,國家和統治者之間的一系列惡性衝突中,所有這些都在爭奪權力。 雖然許多這些領主公開地相互掙扎,但是德川義佑通過混合了優秀的戰術和狡猾的外交手段,掌握了日本的全部,直到他成為土地的主導權力。 通過將幕府設在日本唯一的執政者,德川義佑控制了生活的各個方面,將日本的邊界關閉到所有的外國,並用孤立主義的政策來執政。
Tokugawa Shogunate: Medieval Japan was caught in a vicious series of skirmishes between warring clans, states, and rulers, all of them vying for power in a mad scramble. While many of these lords struggled against each other openly, Ieyasu Tokugawa seized mastery of all of Japan through a mix of superior tactics and cunning diplomacy, until he became the dominant power of the land. By establishing his shogunate as the sole ruling power in Japan, Ieyasu Tokugawa controlled all aspects of life, closing the borders of Japan to all foreign nations and ruling with a policy of isolationism. Autocracy(專制) - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocracy |
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