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How to get WIS/ASRA to link both XENTRY&DAS together
2017/06/22 10:54:16瀏覽77|回應0|推薦0

Here is the  Yudi reviews on XENTRY/DAS  from the MHH community

I had XENTRY DAS installed and no help link were working from DAS, it was going to some URL every time I clicked on help button, so I decided to install WIS/ASRA as standalone option on same laptop.

This is how to get WIS/ASRA to link both XENTRY&DAtogether so I can get help working from XENTRY/DAS.

You just need configure your WIS mode:

Open SDNC at your taskbar

>>Click tab Configuration

>>click Yes

>> click Tab Server

>> Click Wis offline

>> then Press OK

Then Xentry and DAS will be linked with the WIS program

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