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2017.5 Xentry/DAS Diagnostic Software Download
2017/05/04 09:28:51瀏覽294|回應0|推薦0

05.2017 Xentry OpenShell XDOS is released to work no issues with SD connect c4 diagnostic tools.

2017.05 mercedes star diagnostic software download:

Software in 256 GB Dell D630 SSD (running faster & more stable)

2017.5 Xentry/DAS free download link will be updated here also; please wait for it.

05.2017 Xentry OpenShell XDOS Windows 7 is confirmed working perfectly with 12v/24v Mercedes Car, Bus, Truck, Sprint, Smart (from 1989 to the 2017 year) !

Software confirmed! 

1.D-A-S / Xentry 2017.5……….Confirmed!

the automatically Diagnosis Assistance System, Concise interface and straightforward operation with IB M high-quality computer can realize the quick and accurate code reading and the whole car system testing

2.W-I-S net 2017.01……….Confirmed!

Workshop Information System Supply the whole view of the wiring diagram in a car,component location diagram and maintenance method. What you do is to enter the chassis number, and then you will get the manufacture data, engine configuration and the car model -all in detail.

3.EPC.net 2017.01……….Confirmed!

Electronic Parts Catalog

4.ST Finder……….Confirmed!

Part Location Finder options: 2008 and 2016

  1. STARUTILITIES……….Confirmed!

the movement management system and self-test

  1. SDMEDIA 2014……….Confirmed!
  2. PL71……….Confirmed!

2016 Mercedes software with PL70

2017.05-sd-connect-c5-software-download (1)2017.05-sd-connect-c5-software-download (2)2017.05-sd-connect-c5-software-download (3)2017.05-sd-connect-c5-software-download (4)2017.05-sd-connect-c5-software-download (5)2017.05-sd-connect-c5-software-download (5)2017.05-sd-connect-c5-software-download (7)

Function confirmed!


Online programming……….Confirmed!

Full Diagnostics……….Confirmed!

reading trouble code……….Confirmed!

erasing trouble code……….Confirmed!

reading live-data……….Confirmed!



component testing……….Confirmed!

information consultation……….Confirmed!

component location diagram……….Confirmed!

wiring diagram……….Confirmed!

flash code……….NOT worked!

05.2017-xentry-das-download (1)05.2017-xentry-das-download (2)05.2017-xentry-das-download (3)05.2017-xentry-das-download (4)05.2017-xentry-das-download (5)

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