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Global Buddhism Right Heart Association ---- The Wealth God Palace Introduction
2022/12/11 11:15:44瀏覽3075|回應0|推薦0

Eh? Look!

There are so many ancient precious treasures and remarkable paintings in this place. Wow! Where is it? In fact,this wonderful place, called the Wealth God Palace, is situated in the city where we are living.

The Wealth God Palace is located in the center of Taipei city near the President Palace on Chongqing South Road. On the first floor, the God of Wealth, having the closest ties with human beings of this world nowadays, is worshiped. This God of Wealth was delicately sculptured by the National treasure craftsmen in Nepal. Consecrated by Henghsing Gyatso Rinpoche, this God of Wealth owns great divine power. For several years, many people have come here, offer flowers and lights, and ask for the blessed water in order to pray for increasing their karmic reward, for good health, and family happiness.

In the Wealth God Palace, besides the God of Wealth, the Fortune God is also worshipped. Behind the statue of the Fortune God is a rarely-seen Tangka made of a meteorite.

There are various explanations for meteorites. It is believed that meteorites are the metals falling from the sky,so meteorites are actually falling stones. Ancient civilizations believed that the objects falling from the sky will bring good luck to people, having the meaning of Heaven Official’s Blessing. Since the Buddha statue made of meteorites can bring more blessing to the public, this rare and special Tangka was made.

The center of the Tangka is the Fortune God named Vaishravana. He was surrounded by his guardians. The posture of Vaishravana and each guardian is different. This Tangka of the Fortune God was created and hammered by hand four hundred years ago by three generations of one handicrafts family.

In addition, a lot of high quality Buddhist antiques were collected from India, Nepal, Bhutan and all over the world, such as bronze Buddha statues, censers, Agarwood incense, prayer beads, some best ancient precious treasures, and so on. Among them, the most eye-catching item is the three-dimensional image“Ice Cave of the Polar Bear”. It was created by H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III. In this three-dimensional image, a lifelike polar bear seems to live in the ice cave in the North Pole.

When you walk onto the second floor, what appears in front of you is the breathtaking Padmasambhava Mandala. This Mandala is also known as the plane graph of the Palace in the Pure Land of Padmasambhava. ( Padmasambhava means Lotus-Born. He is also famous as Guru Rinpoche, one of the famous Dharma teacher of Buddhism.)

On the second floor, there is a restful and graceful room with comfortable sofas. Some book clubs, seminars and lectures are irregularly held. As a result, it provides the participants with the chance to absorb new knowledge and relax themselves in their busy work lives.

Welcome to the Wealth God Palace to worship the God of Wealth and the Fortune God, so you can increase your karmic reward and wealth will come generously to you.






#H.H.第三世多杰羌 #南無第三世多杰羌 #第三世多杰羌佛正  #多杰羌佛第三   #第三世多杰羌佛佛  #第三世多杰羌佛#第三世多杰羌佛返老回 #世界佛教教皇 #義雲高 #仰諤益西諾布大法王  #  #  #學佛 #正法   #度母 #千里之行 #千里 #真理 #吉祥

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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