慕雲 努兒荷達畢堤阿貝塔拉 看雲 謎謎-百年渾似醉 玉蝴蝶 徐慰平 安歐門 黃平 顏敏如 medov醫生(我愛中華民國
結束Cruise遊 匆匆數日如煙逝,未覺舟中歲月長。 卻是離愁添幾許,多因親友又他方。
結束Cruise遊 輕舟終返長堤港,桃源幾日又紅塵。 歡樂時光量最短,離情卻比海灣深。
Somehow, I don't remember the songs I learned when I was in high school.
However, I still remembered those teachers. One of them was Miss Hsiao Be Chiu.
I think she is still a director of Chinese choir in New York.