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Experience sharing: How to choose earplugs
2024/04/16 10:00:56瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0

I started using earplugs in high school due to the influence of my roommate (I was tortured by my roommates snoring and teeth grinding for five or six years), and I have continued this habit as an adult to help me stay away from noise troubles.

After more than ten years of experience in wearing earplugs, the summary is that you should not always worry about which earplugs to choose. Maybe you can open your mind and choose a few more to use in different scenarios.
For example, I wear sponge earplugs when I study and work (they dont feel present and can block nearby sounds), and I wear silicone earplugs when I sleep (silicone earplugs dont swell my ears after being worn overnight).

You should choose earplugs according to your own situation. Reference factors: ears secrete more oil/ears dont secrete much oil/large ear canal/small ear canal)
I have dry ears and small ear canals, so I usually use silicone earplugs and sponge earplugs. My requirement for earplugs is that they dont swell when worn for a long time.

I recently discovered a very good product, BET SLUMBUR, which is silicone earplugs and comes in three different styles. 

I chose the SLEEP model (NRR: 19.1 dB), which can isolate most of the noise while sleeping, and it comes in 4 sizes ear tips, perfect fit. — S, M, L, XL.

And BET SLUMBUR is easy to clean with clean water. Just rinse and it can be used multiple times.

( 休閒生活時尚流行 )
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