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Once More I Hold Your Hand
2009/09/16 14:03:55瀏覽366|回應0|推薦11

Once more I hold your hand;
And once more I lost myself in
A paradise of my own.

Right now you and I are in
A golden boat drifting freely on a sunset sea
Far, far away from the human world.
I am happy as the waves dancing around us.

Too much analysis kills spontaneity,
As too much light dazzles my eyes.
Too much truth astonishes me.
Despite all obstacles,
Love still exists between us.

It is useless to try to stir the dirt
Out of the muddy water,
As it will be come murkier.
But leave it alone,
And if it should be cleared;
It will become clear by itself.

( 創作詩詞 )
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