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It Is Autumn
2009/09/16 13:12:23瀏覽353|回應2|推薦11

It is autumn,
And somewhere in the night
A flute is playing.
It sings of youth and joy,
And love.

But what can it mean to me,
When my heart is with you
A thousand miles away?

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2009/10/18 11:32 【Happy Helen】 Forever Spring


I have some corrections
2009/10/18 11:42
It is forever spring.

And no matter it is day time or night time

A bird is singing

It hums the seceret of happiness in whispers,

" Wonderful days are celebrated with great moments, but sorrowful days are treasured with precious experiences."

And it means something to me.......

When I am with myself and wear my shiny smiles,

the distance of miles and miles away can be bridged

by a rainbow-like determination with sincerity.

My sincerity and genuineness

will echo with the singing birds

and forever spring is now and here with me without doubts.

Forever Spring
2009/10/18 11:27

 It is forever spring,

And no matter it is day time or night time

A bird is singing

It whispers of wonderful days with great moments and unforgettable days with experiences.

And it means something to me.......

When I am with myself with smiles,

The distance of miles and miles away can be bridged

by a rainbow-like determination.

My sincerity will echo with the singing birds and forever spring is now and here.