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2006/08/12 19:10:04瀏覽1887|回應2|推薦12 | |
引用文章人生像什麼? 有人一生安定,有人則一生飄泊。 有人不知該怎麼生活才好,有些人卻把生活安排的充實又有趣。 但吉普賽人也很討厭日本人的緊張生活,勤奮的王永慶會很唾棄遊民。 不一樣的人互相討厭,朋友要找相似,婚姻又要找互補,難怪有人看人生越看越霧霎霎。
人生究竟是什麼?網路上說: Life is a life. Life is good. Life is bad. Life is short. Life is long. Life is fair. Life is unfair. Life is hard. Life is serious. Life is lonely. Life is a solo. Life is easy. Life is difficult. Life is a colony. Life is a knot. Life is simple. Life is complex. Life is enjoyable. Life is boring. Life is changeful. Life is changeless. Life is loan. Life is pain. Life is happy. Life is lucky. Life is beautiful. Life is sweet. Life is ugly. Life is a sign. Life is waiting for something. Life is a fun adventure. Life is a gift. Life is war. Life is a long song. Life is awful and wonderful. Life is a struggle. Life is blue. (My) Life is yours. Life is our own. Life is owning myself. Life is a machine. Life is a winner. Life is loser. Life is a magical thing. Life is colorful. Life is sunshine. Life is miracle Life is a dance, from one stage to the next. Life is full of surprises. Life is a mystery Life Is a Do — It — Yourself Project Life is a journey. Life is a picnic. Life is not a Fairy Tale. Life is elsewhere. Life is not a life. Life is a cage. 對人生有太多不同的詮釋,視個人的人生經歷給自己的感覺。 下面這一段是將人生比作圓的詮釋。 Life is like a circle, it keeps going round, meeting new and seeing old friends. the circle of fate. the ironic of life. that's what we are here for. moving round and round. but there will be a day u will stop. 人生像一個圓,它持續著,一面交新朋友一面和老朋友保持連繫。諷刺的是,我們就在這個寬大的圓裡繞圈子,直到生命結束時。 Life is like a circle, it has no beginning and no end. 人生像一個圓,沒有起點也沒有終點。 Life is like a circle. You do things only to come back to where you began. 人生像一個圓,完成一件事後,又回到原點開始。 Life is a circle, but it's never round...... 人生像一個圓,但它不曾真的圓 (滿)過。 張學友的歌: Life Is like A Dream. 人生如夢. Life is like summer flower. 人生如夏季的鮮花。燦爛美豔。 Life Is Like A Boat. 人生如小船。(四處漂泊。) Life is like a game of cards. 這是賭徒的人生。 Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. 人生像洋蔥,你切它時,常會流淚。 Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it. 人生如下水道,你丟進什麼,便會流出什麼。 還有人說 Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. but you always end up getting coconut" . 人生如一盒巧克力,你不會知道你想追求的最後會得到什麼,而最後你總是得到一個椰子。 我想這句話是說:也許你想要一盒巧克力,最後你得到一盒椰子。對未來無法預期。你想你的人生該這樣,你也朝著這個方向前進,但結局卻完全不是你想的那樣。 人生是一哲學,怎樣過的好,只有自己的感覺可以告訴你。但知道了也未必能做到。 你到底想怎麼生活,有一半的人還是不清楚。 有些人希望每天飯吃飽了就可以翹個二郎腿看電視。這樣過一生就滿意了。 那麼~何謂完好人生? 每個人都有自己的構圖~ 但也有人真正的不明白該如何去安排~ 有人說~把每天過的開心快樂~是他的目的~這也是他的動力來源~ 或許~這是我該去學習的~ 你呢?尋找到你的目標了嗎? |
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