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2024/12/19 11:42:57瀏覽1291|回應0|推薦1 | |
這一行動是由馬斯克領導的,他召集了蘋果CEO蒂姆庫克、臉書創辦人朱伯格(洛克菲勒家族)、亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯以及谷歌的皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)和布林(Sergey Brin),共同會見這個假特朗普。
他們也在推動比特幣並製造出所謂的埃里克(Eric Trump),他說:「我有信心比特幣將會達到100萬美元。」
由路西斯信託(Lucis Trust)運營的《時代雜誌》曾將特朗普評選為年度人物並登上封面,圖中他看起來頭上像長着角。
儘管這一切是假的,但確實三軍總司令真·特朗普正與亞洲國家談判新的金融體系。作為證據,特朗普總統所謂的財政部長人選貝森(Scott Bessent)表示,世界正處於「全球經濟重組」的關鍵時刻,他「希望成為其中的一部份」。他暗示,一項新的國際協議正在談判中,此協議的規模將相當於1944年著名的布雷頓森林協議。布雷頓森林協議在80多年前確立了全球貨幣秩序。
無論如何,與習近平相關的會社回應如下: 我們已仔細審查閣下的提議。對於閣下對人類未來的深思熟慮,以及閣下為採取具體行動所展現的熱情,我們表示深深的感謝。
另一消息人則說,它在散播反射材料,以為聖誕節期間的某種全息天象秀做準備。Q南網站發佈消息:「FALLOUT 2024:10天黑暗」,將於12月25日開始。
無論如何,回到現實,我們確實看到陰森國度清洗即將發生的跡象。克雷(Christopher Wray)已辭去FBI局長職位,而即將上任的局長帕特爾(Kash Patel)公佈了一份他將追捕的陰森國度操作員名單。名單中的人包括:
▲奧斯丁(Lloyd Austin)
▲占士貝克(James Baker)
▲博爾頓(John Bolton)
▲拜登(Joe Biden)
▲布倫南(John Brennan)
▲希拉莉(Hillary Clinton Rockefeller)
▲加蘭德(Merrick Garland)
▲賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)
▲麥肯齊將軍(Gen. Kenneth McKenzie/退役)--前中央司令部(CENTCOM)司令
▲馬克米利將軍(Gen. Mark Milley/退役)--前美國聯合參謀部主席
▲波德斯塔(John Podesta Rockefeller)
▲沙利文(Jake Sullivan)--拜登政府國家安全顧問
▲亞當希夫(Adam Schiff)--當選參議員,前眾議院情報委員會主席
波蘭情報機構透露,帕特爾(Kash Patel)也將調查烏克蘭獨裁者澤連斯基究竟將從美歐納稅人手中獲得的數千億美元做了什麼。
另一即將倒台的大人物是「大流行先生」比爾蓋茲。日本當局正準備追究他的責任,指控他在大流行期間參與大規模謀殺,以及協調一場旨在殺害和傷害數十億人的行動。老蓋與輝瑞CEO布爾拉(Albert Bourla)已在荷蘭受審,面對誤導公眾有關新冠疫苗的指控。
西方學院(Occidental College)的記錄--封存
哥倫比亞大學(Columbia College)的記錄--封存
哈佛學院(Harvard College)的記錄--封存
格拉夫教授(Professor Henry Graff)曾說過:「我在哥倫比亞大學教了46年。教過所有曾在大學學習過的重要美政治人物。我認識他們所有人,我為他們感到驕傲。在美歷史和外交歷史課程中,他們不管怎麼樣都曾上過我的課。但奧黑沒有。我在任何一門課上都沒教過這個名字的學生。我從未見過他,從未聽過他,哥倫比亞的其他教授也不認識他。」
前以色列國防長李伯曼(Avigdor Lieberman)問道:「本雅明是否決定引發內戰?...同時與伊朗、最高法院和總檢察長作鬥爭是不可能的。」
更糟的是,CNN又發佈了一段可疑的影片,似乎描繪了一名敘利亞囚犯突然被克拉麗莎(Clarissa Ward)「救出」。是新聞還是虛構?
土耳其似乎也與美處於敵對狀態。根據土國防長古勒爾(Yasar Guler)的說法,土軍已消滅了2939名與美有關的恐怖份子,這些恐怖份子主要位於伊拉克北部和敘利亞,並且呼籲美解散在當地的代理軍。
法國記者提耶里梅桑(Thierry Maysant)這麼說:「以國防軍甚至無法在地面上取得最小的勝利。他們缺乏紀律,許多士兵的行為像是暴徒...他們的武器不多,而且可能很多人根本沒有足夠的武器。最後,他們的幾個單位,目睹了其他人的罪行,已接近叛變。」
其他骨牌效應將會影響其他地區。在格魯吉亞,人權部長和前總統祖拉比什維利(Salome Zurabishvili)曾自稱拒絕離開總統府,現在她被提供作為清潔工的住所。
此外,有人必須告知美軍事總督、事實上的南韓統治者拉卡梅拉(General Paul Joseph LaCamera)將會有朝鮮半島統一的事件發生,他需根據這一變局行事。
軍官已被捕。美海軍前副指揮官伯克海軍上將(Admiral Robert Burke)「被指控將一份有利的政府訓練合同轉交給一家私人公司,該公司承諾支付他50萬美元的年薪和股票期權。」
下面的影片參照了現在已成為公開的知識,影片中是電視主持人科爾伯特(Stephen Colbert)與希拉莉討論「吃嬰兒」的話題。
「拜登減刑近1500名美國人,赦免39人,創單日最大赦免紀錄 | 國會報告」
即使大型製藥公司免於承擔mRNA犯罪的責任,你們仍將面臨更多指控。前MI-6頭目梅爾(Dr. Michael Van de Meer)告訴我,他曾與非洲脊髓灰質炎疫苗的開發者索科姆(Jonas Solkom)合作。他表示,這種疫苗用來作為非洲人口控制計劃的一部份,傳播HIV愛滋病毒。在這方面,並不存在免責權。
不難理解小羅拔甘廼迪的律師亞倫西里(Aaron Siri)要求FDA回應脊髓灰質炎疫苗的批准問題。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Dec 16, 2024
《KM spewing massive clouds of disinformation to cover up defeats in Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea etc.》
Never have I seen as much disinformation and censorship in the Western information matrix as was spewed out last week by the Khazarian Mafia. They are trying to cover up a comprehensive defeat around the world. They have lost control of Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea and many other countries around the world. They are now desperately circling the wagons around a fake Donald Trump at Mar-A-Largo. This group is using big tech companies to produce fake news and censor truth in order to try to create a fake reality.
This move is being led by Elon Musk who has summoned Apple CEO Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller, Jeff Bezos plus Google’s Sundar Pichai and Sergey Brin to meet his fake Trump.
This group is desperately trying to grab control of the world’s financial system by pushing US stock and crypto-currency prices to fantastical levels.
As a part of this strategy, Elon Musk is using a dollar printing machine to make it look like he is the 「richest man in the world.」 He is now pretending he is the first person to be worth more than $400 billion.
It is all fake. For example, the market capitalization of Tesla motors is $1.37 trillion even though it makes less than 1.7 million cars per year and sales are slumping. That is 62 times bigger than the market capitalization of Suzuki Motors, which makes more than 2 million cars per year and whose sales are increasing.
This same group is also pushing Bitcoin and produced a supposed Eric Trump who said, 「I am confident that Bitcoin is going to hit $1 million.」
Musk has also been outed recently as wanting to use his platform X (with heavily slumping traffic) as a mark of the beast-style social control system.
A Pentagon source explains:
Many are aware of Elon Musk’s deception but, for those who still somewhat trust this dude, don’t forget that X introduced a new feature that allows paid users to verify their accounts using government-issued IDs through an Israeli-based identity verification company.
This was the beginning of what the entire idea behind X actually is all about – a mirrored version of China’s social credit system everything app, WeChat.
There is no 「our guy」 on the world’s stage. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is likely another player in the game. Being aware is being prepared.
If you still have trouble believing that the Trump being used by the KM at Mar a Largo is fake, consider this.
Time Magazine, run by the Lucis (Lucifer) Trust, made Donald Trump Person of the Year and put a picture of him on its’ cover with what appear to be horns on his head.
This same fake Trump is repeating the 30-year-old lie that we need to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities because they are about to 「get the bomb.」
Iran has had nuclear weapons for several years. They also have hypersonic missiles stockpiled.
Despite this fakery, there is a real Commander in Chief Donald Trump and he is negotiating a new financial system with the Asians. As evidence, President Trump’s alleged pick for Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, says the world is on the cusp of a 「global economic reordering」 and he would 「like to be a part of it.」 He hints a new international agreement on the level of the famous Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 is being negotiated. Bretton Woods established the world monetary order over 8 decades ago.
Also, in an indication Trump is considering the Asian proposal to bankrupt the US Corporation and replace it with a debt-free Republic of the United States of North America, last week he posted the following: 「It was a pleasure to have dinner the other night with Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada.」
Further evidence things are progressing well on this front came last week when the Asian secret society responded to the Western white hat proposal for a new planetary arrangement. This includes a future planning agency and a new financial system as previously reported in this newsletter.
However, in a sign there is a power struggle underway in China as well as the US, the Asian secret society representative came to a meeting with the white hats carrying his own thermos of tea and refused to ingest any food or drink offered. He also had a car full of armed guards. This was not the case during previous meetings. He explained there was a struggle going on with a rival group that is not yet fully resolved. This rival group, by the way, has also contacted the white hats but their offer to meet has not been accepted because they are connected to dark operators in the Asian underworld.
In any case, the reply of the society affiliated with Chinese President Xi Jinping was as follows:
We have carefully reviewed your proposal. We deeply appreciate your serious consideration of the future of humanity and your enthusiasm for taking concrete actions.
However, at this stage, we find it difficult to fully agree with your proposal.
In particular, the future developments in the United States and the political and economic changes in Europe could have a significant impact on the future of the entire world. We need to closely monitor the developments of these situations before further considering the proposal.
Furthermore, we require more detailed information regarding the specific data and plans contained in the proposal. For example, a more detailed explanation of the mechanism of issuing currency backed by gold and the method of asset redistribution would enable us to conduct a more in-depth discussion.
Your proposal has the potential to be an important step towards a brighter future for humanity. However, to achieve this goal, close consultations and cooperation with governments and international organizations around the world are essential.
This sensible reply is initiating some serious horse trading that is expected to proceed in a positive direction. The White hat counter-proposal is that both sides appoint experts to start hammering out the details together and in harmony with existing governments and institutions.
Of course, this will involve systematically asking the people of the world what they want. Remember though, everybody wants the moon but there is only one moon. That is why we need experts.
In any case, as the Asians point out, the regime change in the West is still not complete and until the real Trump takes power, a final agreement cannot be reached.
There is also now undeniable evidence that what is happening in the West now goes far beyond a normal change of US Presidency.
One example is the fires raging in Malibu, California. Malibu is where a lot of the Hollywood Pedophilia Satanists live and is a hive of tunnels. As the videos linked below show, these are not normal fires but are being caused by directed energy weapons coming from Area 51 in Nevada.
A US Space Force source explains 「This is a DEW attack against the deep state. The White Hat military alliance is in control of Area 51.」
Then there are all those mystery drones appearing everywhere in ways that masses of ordinary people can confirm with their own eyes and not just on a screen. Since the drone stories are all over the media, we will just report what our own space force sources have to say about it.
One source says 「These are Orbs and spheres, not toy drones. Some are reverse engineered craft, some are the real deal. This could be more Project Blue Beam preparation.」
Another one says they are spraying reflective material in preparation for some kind of holographic sky show around Christmas time. The Qanon site posts: 「FALLOUT 2024: 10 DAYS DARKNESS,」 starting on December 25th.
Anyway, getting back to the ground, we do see signs a purge of the deep state is really going to happen. Christopher Wray has resigned as head of the FBI and incoming director Kash Patel has put out a list of deep state operators he is going after. The names include:
Lloyd Austin
James Baker
John Bolton
Joe Biden
John Brennan
Hillary Clinton Rockefeller
Merrick Garland
Kamala Harris
Gen. Kenneth McKenzie (Ret.) – Former CENTCOM commander
Gen. Mark Milley (Ret.) – Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
John Podesta Rockefeller
Jake Sullivan – National Security Adviser under Biden
Adam Schiff – Senator-elect and former House Intelligence Committee chairman
Polish intelligence informs us Patel is also going to investigate exactly what Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky did with the hundreds of billions of US and European tax dollars he got.
This would be an investigation of Bidenomics. This is how it works:
1)You pay taxes
2)I send it to Ukraine
3)They send it back to Hunter
4)Hunter gives it to me
5)Pardon Hunter
We will get back to Hunter later but first, let us look at some other big names that are coming down.
A CIA source notes: 「The avatar Nancy Pelosi fell down a set of marble stairs and broke her hip in Luxembourg. She had hip replacement surgery. This is a perfect way for the MSM Deep State to say goodbye To Nancy. Elderly people over 80 who have hip replacement surgery don’t recover. They travel over the rainbow….」
This same source says Brazilian President 「Lula has already traveled over the rainbow. A new avatar is being prepared now. The new version will look different. I have an old photo of him in my archives.」
Another big name about to go down is Mr. Pandemic himself, Bill Gates. Japanese authorities are preparing to hold Gates accountable for what they allege is complicity in mass murder and a coordinated campaign to kill and maim billions during the pandemic. Gates and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla are already on trial in the Netherlands to face allegations of deceiving the public about COVID-19 vaccines.
Then of course there is Barack 「Thunder of Satan」 Obama, the real power behind the Biden administration.
Obama says Trump has a history that needs to be examined. Obama was a grandson of Adolf Hitler put in place to destroy the US. Look at his record:
Occidental College records — SEALED
Columbia College records — SEALED
Columbia Thesis paper — SEALED
Harvard College records — SEALED
Selective Service Registration — SEALED
Medical records — SEALED
Illinois State Senate schedule — SEALED
Law practice client list — SEALED
Certified Copy of original Birth certificate — SEALED
Signed Endorsed paper Certification of Live Birth — SEALED
Baptism record – SEALED
Professor Henry Graff says 「I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I’m proud of them all. Between American History and Diplomatic History, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him. None of the other Columbia professors knew him either.」
Also, his 「wife」 Michelle (Big swinging Michael) Obama can no longer practice law as an attorney; why? Big Swinging Mike had 22 assistants when other First Lady’s had one.
The other big name going down is Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Mossad sources insist the original is long gone but the group using his avatar is still clinging to power but, not for long.
Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman asks 「Has Netanyahu decided to spark a civil war?… It is impossible to fight against Iran, the Supreme Court, and the Attorney General simultaneously.」
The Iranian National News Agency, which actually has sources on the ground, reports Netanyahu (or rather a chubby avatar) is on trial at a high-security underground courthouse to face, among other things, charges including 「The procedure followed to purchase a submarine from Germany between 2009 and 2016, which coincides with Netanyahu’s term as prime minister, was contrary to existing laws.」
This was the submarine used to launch a nuclear missile at Hawaii to try to blame North Korea in order to start WW3, according to CIA sources. The US military subsequently sank it.
CNN meanwhile, is being reduced to putting out obviously fabricated news in an attempt to rescue plummeting ratings. A Pentagon expert says:
EVERYTHING in this CNN video covering fake Netanyahoo’s fake court trial is AI-GENERATED – from the journalist, to the courtroom scene, to Netanyahoo’s speech, to the background characters – it’s all 100% computer generated. You are watching a video game.
If you still can’t tell at first glance that none of these characters are actual humans, pay attention to the eyes and mouths, those are usually easy giveaways, and all the shiny mask-like faces without expression. The NPC’s/background characters are also super obvious if you watch them closely (most people don’t ever pay attention to them).
Worse still, CNN has released another suspicious video that appears to depict a Syrian prisoner being suddenly 「rescued」 by Clarissa Ward. Now is this news or fiction?
In any case, the people who use Netanyahu as their avatar spread brazen lies about what is happening in the Middle East. They used their fake Netanyahu to boast:
"The collapse of the Syrian regime is a direct result of the heavy blows we have dealt to Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran."
In most Western reports, it appears that the overthrow of the Syrian government is a major victory for Israel and a major loss for Iran and Russia.
The reality, however, is exactly the opposite: it was a loss for both Israel and the US.
Otherwise, why are Iran, Turkey, and Qatar opening their embassies in Syria for the first time in more than a decade?
As a sign of the revival of the Ottoman and Persian empires, Iran and Turkey signed
"a comprehensive letter of intent covering various sectors including trade, transport, customs, transit, investment, banking, electricity, agriculture, culture, tourism and cooperation."
To me it sounds like this: will Iraq, Syria, Jordan, etc. be divided?
Turkey also appears to be at war with the U.S. According to Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler, his army has eliminated 2,939 U.S.-linked terrorists in northern Iraq and Syria, and is calling on the U.S. to disband its proxy forces there.
We also note that Russian troops continue to operate in Syria.
BBC Arabic, for its part, reports that Israel has not taken control of any city in southern Lebanon and cannot intercept Hezbollah rockets fired into Israeli-controlled territory. It says Hezbollah has managed to spread its attacks deep into Israel and disrupt daily life in major Israeli cities.
The BBC reports that the Israeli army was fatigued and that Israel was forced to agree to a ceasefire with Hezbollah, fearing the political and economic consequences of recruiting additional reservists for the front.
「The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are incapable of winning even the smallest victory on the ground. They lack discipline and many of their men behave like thugs… they don’t have many weapons and, probably, many of them don’t have enough of them. Finally, several of their units, having witnessed the crimes of others, are on the verge of mutiny,」 says French journalist Thierry Maysant.
He also points out that the distributed map of Greater Israel is actually a map of Greater Assyria, the Satan-worshipping Empire of ancient times.
Now that the Assyrians have been defeated, the people who side with Netanyahu have made a statement saying:
"We are not interested in a conflict with Syria. We will determine Israels policy towards Syria in accordance with the emerging realities on the ground."
Soon the fall of Israel, Egypt, and, possibly, Saudi Arabia will become the focus of global headlines.
Other dominoes fall into other regions. In Georgia, the Ministry of Human Rights and former President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili, who by her own account refused to leave the presidential palace, have offered her a place to stay as a cleaner.
On Saturday, South Koreas parliament removed President Yoon Suk-yeol from office, but he also refuses to leave the presidential palace. Perhaps you could offer Yoon a similar job as a caretaker at the presidential palace.
In addition, someone needs to inform the United States military governor and de facto ruler of South Korea, General Paul Joseph LaCamera, that the unification of the Korean Peninsula is about to happen and that he needs to act accordingly.
It is most likely that Lacamera ordered former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun to attack North Korea with drones to start World War III. If so, then he should be arrested.
The military officers have already been arrested. Admiral Robert Burke, former vice commander of the US Navy,
"was accused of transferring a favorable government training contract to a private company that promised him an annual salary of $500,000 + stock options."
As the white military now continues its offensive, the HMs horrific crimes against humanity will also make headlines around the world.
The video below is a reference to what is now becoming common knowledge. It features TV host Stephen Colbert, along with Hillary Clinton, discussing 「baby eating.」
These people also steal organs. Just recently, 17 Zionist rabbis were arrested, leading a criminal group that took organs from living people for sale. One rabbi has been selling kidneys for over ten years. Try looking on the internet for 「Rabbis Arrested for Selling Organs」 and see how many come up.
Which brings us back to Hunter Biden. "His full 11-year pardon is too suspicious even for late-night comedy shows. I hope you continue to ask why 2014 is so important. The truth is shocking the world," a Mossad source commented.
The world learns about genocide, child factories, industrial torture of babies to produce adrenochrome, biological weapons factories, etc. in Ukraine.
The people behind this are desperately trying to use Biden to evade justice – hence this headline:
"Biden commutes sentences of nearly 1,500 Americans and pardons 39, largest pardon in a single day | Capitol Report"
In addition, two Chinese spies were pardoned, convicted of stealing American technology secrets, as well as a relative of the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, arrested on child pornography charges.
This reminds me of the photos I was shown of Hunter in bed with underage Chinese actresses. You may have even the worst evidence against him.
The Biden regime is also trying to shield big pharma and manufacturers of mRNA-based vaccines from liability until 2029.
Even if big pharma is immune from liability for mRNA crimes, you will have many more charges. Dr. Michael Van de Meer, the former head of MI-6, told me that he worked with Jonas Solkom, the developer of a polio vaccine in Africa. He said that the vaccine was used to spread HIV as part of an African depopulation project. There is no immunity from liability in this regard.
Its no surprise that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s attorney Aaron Siri wants the FDA to respond to the approval of the polio vaccine.
The real Donald Trump says he will look into stopping childhood vaccination programs and canceling some vaccines. He says, 「I think someone needs to understand. If you go back 25 years ago, there was very little autism. Now you have it.」 His son, Barron, was injured as a result of a vaccine and, according to the doctor involved, has a mild form of autism.
According to the CDC, today about one in 36 American children is diagnosed with autism, compared to one in 150 in 2000.
Another thing that is happening is that the government is starting to try to end the chemical poisoning of humanity.
According to our Polish correspondent:
Chemicals are everywhere: in the air, in the water, and in our bodies. They cause thyroid and liver problems, cancer, and infertility. For some time now, the ban on these chemicals has been handed to our politicians. But industry has convinced them to do nothing. Next week, we have a chance to put our broken chemical laws in order and repeal the ban on toxic chemicals forever.
The EU has a plan to replace chemicals regulations (REACH) that could not protect us from being poisoned by chemicals that are always at hand. But last year it was laughed out of the table when the European Commission and our governments believed the lies of the industry. It has been gathering dust in a box ever since. Now we finally have a chance to change the rules and ban chemicals that have always been there. Next week our leaders will meet to discuss chemicals regulation for the first time in their term.
"Did you know that 90% of the foods sold in stores today didnt exist 90 years ago? And guess what? 90% of the diseases we fight today didnt exist. Think about that."
This illustration illustrates why this might happen. It shows what it would look like if government were truly transparent.
If we dont get rid of this satanic corporate government as soon as possible and reform our economic and financial system, China will take everything for itself.
The latest feature is that China is developing a new method for producing cast iron that increases efficiency by 3,600 times. According to scientists, the process of producing cast iron using this method can be completed in just three to six seconds, compared to the five to six hours it takes for traditional blast furnaces. While others fight each other in wars and threats and become poorer because of their stupidity, China can mass-produce iron and accelerate development in all possible ways, including missiles and weapons.
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