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2024/11/07 17:06:50瀏覽1140|回應0|推薦0

明天,即2024年11月5日的大選並非尋常事件,這一點我們大多數人都很清楚。有趣的是,11月5日正是火藥陰謀企圖炸毀整個英國政府的日期。被捕的男子蓋福斯(Guy Fawkes)的面具,現在成為了反可薩暴徒的象徵。

我們的摩薩德消息和像奧文斯(Candace Owens)這樣的人確認賀錦麗是「敘利亞猶太人」。這意味她是亞述人。亞述人崇拜的神是阿舒爾(Ashur),也叫做巴力,對猶太人和基督徒來說則是惡魔撒旦。
她的老公埃姆霍夫(Doug Emhoff)最近說:「當賀錦麗在一天結束時走進(白宮)的大門,門上有梅祖莎(Mezuzah)。」
根據摩薩德消息,埃姆霍夫是查巴德(撒旦)的成員。查巴德的創始人施耐爾森(Menachem Mendel Schneerson)在這裏展示了為他們的彌賽亞準備的冠冕。


他們持有聯合國、世衛組織、聯邦儲備委員會、跨國公司和其他大多數「全球主義 」權力中心。自從竊取了2020年大選後,他們就極力試圖用生物武器和疫苗來殺死我們。目的是迫使世界各國政府服從其私有的世衛組織大流行病條約。這將使他們能夠把世界變成撒旦神權國家,所有持不同政見者都將送往集中營殺害。
亞力士與阿比丁(Huma Abedin)結婚,我們發佈了一段她與希拉莉一起折磨一名年輕女孩至死的影片。亞力士還至少訪問過奧/拜白宮30次。

他們赤裸裸的墮落行徑之一,就是科羅拉多州眾議員博托姆斯(Scott Bottoms)確認,民主黨投票反對一項法案,該法案將起訴那些買賣、強姦並殺害2至5歲兒童的人。
「59歲的前迪士尼和皮克斯動畫師博布希巴(Bolhem Bouchiba)因涉及戀童癖和人口販運活動而被判25年牢...布希巴被指控花費數萬歐元協助對少女實施酷刑和性虐待,包括策劃直播強姦。」
很多名人都被一些虐待兒童的影片所控制。所有支持賀錦麗的人有什麼共同點?吹牛老爹(P. Diddy)。



幸運的是,烏的種族滅絕行為即將結束。科技企業家金多特康(Kim Dotcom)表示:「結束了,澤連斯基很快將離開烏。如果他試圖逃亡,一週內就撐不住了。」

俄外交部長拉夫羅夫將於下月前往馬耳他,參與歐洲安全與合作組織(OSCE)部長理事會,俄外交部發言人扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)向《今日報》證實了這一消息。這將是拉夫羅夫自俄軍事行動開始以來,首次訪問歐盟國家。扎哈羅娃呼籲東道國「確保所有OSCE成員國能夠有效參與」。
正如澳洲參議員巴貝特(Ralph Babet)所言: 「你選出來管理國家的人其實是傀儡...幕後的拉線人並不關心你的最佳利益...這些專制的暴君只希望你成為農奴、奴隸和棋子,而他們則坐擁權力的頂峰...所以別自滿。採取行動,讓你的聲音被聽見。因為現在,西方;整個西方,正面臨重大危機。」
https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/gops-early-voting-lead-registration-gains-boost-2024-odds-in-swing-state-nevada-5752613?src_src=rtnewsnoe&src_cmp=rtbreaking-2024-11- 02-1&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAausndAYOxtPG6bwuuWhYArg0yEwDPwWOAAlWjmdt%2FJ5G21huhg%3D%3D

馬斯克發佈了一段名為《讓美國再次健康》(Make America Healthy Again)的影片,展示了作為加州檢察官的賀錦麗,如何以摧毀家長生活為樂,起訴那些孩子逃學的父母。



許多人認為這些國會議員犯下了大規模謀殺罪。紀錄片《謝謝你,福奇》(Thank You Dr. Fauci)幾天前在紐約首映。紀錄片「控訴了那位殺死2000萬人的『科學家』」。五角大廈一名醫生評論道:「這部預告片已被他的宣傳夥伴大型科技公司和媒體億萬富翁所禁播。」
然而,其他可薩暴徒醫療黑幫成員仍在繼續活動。在這裏可看到谷歌首席健康官凱倫(Karen DeSalvo)解釋谷歌如何操控互聯網搜索,並與世衛組織、美國立衛生研究院(NIH)以及各國政府合作,抑制/審查不同意的內容和表述。
與此同時,福奇的繼任者曼迪科恩(Mandy Cohen)和參議員舒默(Chuck Schumer)帶着頑皮的笑容呼籲再次接種新冠疫苗...


我們現在還進一步獲得了確認,表示對北卡羅來納州的天氣戰襲擊旨在奪取土地: 「庫珀州長確認北卡羅來納州的土地爭奪:社區因為『氣候鬼話』將『不再重建』。」
來自亞洲秘密會社消息表示,正如在夏威夷和墨西哥所發生的情況一樣,這些襲擊之後,通常是黑岩集團等熟悉的發展計劃出現。當然,這些都是洛克斐勒家族的代理機構。黑岩的CEO拉里芬克(Larry Fink)目前正被白帽子積極追捕,並將被迫揭露他的上司。

前中情局官員拉里強森(Larry C. Johnson)也同意這一觀點。強森曾在伊拉克服役,他證實,正是美政府資助了對美軍的簡易爆炸裝置(IED)襲擊。
加美一樣迫切需要這樣的改革。舉個例子: 加政府最近根據其爭議性的計劃,開始安樂死因新冠「疫苗」受害的患者,並因此殺害了首位國民。

本週的最後一則消息:P3意共會消息來源告訴說,「《我的奮鬥》這本書的作者並非魯道夫·赫斯(Rudolf Hess)。耶穌會神父斯坦普弗(Bernhard Stempfle)才是。希魔只是簽了個名而已。」這與我們之前聽到的前軍六負責人所說的不同,但希望我們很快能夠了解地球的真實歷史。有一點是肯定的,我們長期以來一直在對許多事情唱反調。真相很快將使我們重獲自由。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Nov 4, 2024
《Remember, Remember, the fifth of November: This is no ordinary election, we are literally fighting for our lives》
The election taking place tomorrow, November 5th, 2024 is no ordinary event as most of us are aware. It is interesting to note November 5th is the date of the gunpowder plot to blow up the entire English government. The mask of the man arrested for that plot; Guy Fawkes, is now a symbol of the resistance against the Khazarian mafia.
This is literally a fight to the death against Satanists who want to kill you, your family, and your friends. They plan to do this in order to reduce any survivors to the most abject slavery possible.
You need to be able to tell your children and grandchildren that you fought on their behalf on this day. You can do this by physically going to the polling booth and voting to remove the Satanic Kamala Harris. If they steal the election, then you will also have to grab your guns and prepare to defend your loved ones.
This is not an exaggeration. This writer was raised as an atheist and discovered through real-world reporting and forensic fact-checking that the West is ruled by a Satanic cult bent on killing most of us.
Our Mossad sources and people like Candace Owens confirm Kamala Harris is a 「Syrian Jew.」 This means she is Assyrian. The Assyrians worshipped the god Ashur, also known as Baal and to the Jews and Christians as Satan.
Her husband Doug Emhoff recently said, 「When Kamala walks through the [White House] door at the end of the day, that door has a Mezuzah on it.」
Emhoff is a Chabad Lubavitch member, according to Mossad sources. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the founder of Chabad, is shown here holding the crown meant for their Messiah.
Notice it is built to cover horns. This is because they literally believe a horned Satan is coming to rule this world. They also believe Moses emerged with horns after getting the Ten Commandments.
Remember these people want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. This is what we are fighting against.
Also remember Kamala is just a front. The entire Obiden cabinet was staffed by members of the Council on Foreign Relations controlled by the Rockefeller family. They are also Assyrian Satan worshippers. They rule from Switzerland with their Octagon group politburo. These are the ancient Pharaonic and Babylonian bloodlines that have treated other humans as slaves for thousands of years.
They own the UN, the WHO, the Federal Reserve Board, the transnational corporations and most of the other 「globalist」 power centers. Since they stole the election in 2020 they tried very hard to kill us with bioweapons and vaccines. Their aim was to force the governments of the world to submit to their privately owned WHO’s pandemic treaty. This would have allowed them to turn the world into a Satanic theocracy where all dissidents would be sent to concentration camps and killed.
They are extremely powerful and they are now literally fighting for their lives. Our sources say there are about a million members of this cult in the US. They are desperate because they know if they fail to steal this election and enslave Americans, they will face long overdue justice.
The scenario they are planning is obvious. They have put out statistically impossible polls showing a dead heat between Kamala and Trump. This is to try to fool people into thinking Donald Trump lost in a close and fair election.
It has been forensically shown that Khazarian Mafia honcho Alex Soros has been financing widespread fraud to get illegal immigrants’ voter IDs. See the link below for details.
Soros is married to Huma Abedin and we have posted a video of her torturing a young girl to death together with Killary Clinton. Soros has also visited the Obiden White House at least 30 times.
The KM are using AI, rigged election machines and sophisticated psychological warfare against the American people in this election.
These people can be defeated because, although they control much of the internet and the corporate media, they do not control reality.
Here is an example from Ireland. An AI-generated image of a Halloween parade in Dublin, Ireland, made thousands of people rush to see it only to find out it was not real.
The same thing is true in this election. They can use their fake corporate media and censored internet to create the appearance of a Kamala victory but, they cannot change the reality that she is widely despised in the real world.
Why else would she kick out genuine people from her controlled 「public appearances」 using paid actors pretending to be her supporters.
We understand that Donald Trump is far from perfect but, he is the only alternative we now have for the American people.
Trump personally called us this weekend to say:
「If Kamala Harris wins this election, America is finished.」 He also warned that 「if Kamala wins, there will be a civil war.」
The 「us」 we are referring to here is a member of the Secret Space Force who is in regular contact with this author and other members of the White Hat Alliance. He says Trump has a million men at his disposal, including the military and National Guard.
So who will fight them? The KM have built an army of illegal immigrants, paid Black Lives Matter mercenaries, etc. and of course the million or so Satanists in the US. They also control many – if not most – billionaires, trillionaires and politicians.
These people have tortured and killed hundreds of thousands of children every year and know that if they lose they face the death penalty.
An example of their blatant depravity is Representative Scott Bottoms of Colorado confirming that the Demonrat Party voted against a bill that would prosecute people who buy, rape and kill 2-5 year old children.
Here is an example of the kind of people the so-called US government just voted to protect:
Bolhem Bouchiba, a 59-year-old former Disney and Pixar animator, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role in pedophilia and human trafficking… Bouchiba is alleged to have spent tens of thousands of euros to facilitate the torture and sexual abuse of young girls, including orchestrating live-streamed rapes.
He was already convicted in 2014 of sexually abusing his eight-year-old stepdaughter, after which he received a suspended sentence.
Many celebrities are controlled by videos of them torturing children.What do all Kamala’s supporters have in common?P. Diddy.
Or how about Beyonce?This photo was published claiming that she was born a boy.
Remember that the Satanists’ god is transgender.
This is why Democrats are pushing transgenderism so hard.
The use of child rape and murder videos to build an elite blackmail network is widespread.
「I don’t think it’s just celebrities that are getting shaken up. He had politicians in there, he had princes in there. He had a couple of preachers in there too,」 says one P. Diddy whistleblower. Now more informants are coming forward, claiming that the FBI even has footage of Kamala engaging in child abuse.
This kind of thing happens on an industrial scale. The KM starts wars to get a new supply of child slaves to torture. Polish intelligence sources report that 1.5 million children have fled Ukraine, and countless others have been forced to flee their homes. This is a godsend for human traffickers. Ukrainian children are sold for prices ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 euros. This child trafficking is disguised by medical facilities that offer surrogacy and agencies that arrange adoptions.
Fortunately, the genocide in Ukraine is coming to an end. 「It’s over. Zelensky will leave Ukraine soon」: Tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom says: 「He won’t last a week if he tries to escape.」
Ukrainian politicians now publicly admit that their army has been defeated and at least 170,000 soldiers have deserted.
So the KM is now desperately trying to start a major war in the Middle East. The news reports: 「Israeli intelligence indicates that Iran is preparing to attack Israel from Iraqi territory in the coming days, possibly before the US presidential election.」
So the same Iraq-based ISIS (Israeli Satanic Intelligence) is attacking both Iran and Israel in order to get the two countries to attack each other.
According to reports that emerged shortly before the publication of this newsletter, Israel is now invading Syria.
This will not work because the real governments of Israel and Iran know about the KM plot to start World War III. This also applies to the world’s intelligence services.
As proof of this:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will travel to Malta next month for the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova confirmed to Vedomosti. This will be Lavrov’s first visit to an EU country since the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine. Zakharova called on the host country to 「ensure that all OSCE member states can participate effectively.」
Malta is the seat of the Order of Malta, which de facto controls the West’s military. This means that some kind of peace deal is in the works for Ukraine and probably Israel as well.
First, however, we must overcome the great power struggle in the United States, which is actually a power struggle for the entire Western world.
As Australian Senator Ralph Babet puts it:
「The people you elect to run your country are puppets… The people behind the scenes pulling the strings do not have your best interests at heart… These authoritarian tyrants want nothing more than for you to be a serf, a slave, a pawn while they sit at the pinnacle of power… So do not be complacent. Take action, make your voice heard. Because the West – the whole West – is looking down a barrel right now.」
So let’s take a look at some news related to the election campaign:
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Florida has reminded the US Department of Justice that it is not allowed to send observers to polling places after the Justice Department announced the planned visits in a press release.
LAS VEGAS – Nevada’s two-week early voting period ended Nov. 1 with far higher Republican turnout than Democratic turnout and a significant increase in registered voters.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/gops-early-voting-lead-registration-gains-boost-2024-odds-in-swing-state-nevada-5752613?src_src=rtnewsnoe&src_cmp=rtbreaking-2024-11- 02-1&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAausndAYOxtPG6bwuuWhYArg0yEwDPwWOAAlWjmdt%2FJ5G21huhg%3D%3D
「The National Guard has been activated in Washington, Oregon and Nevada as a precautionary measure for possible election-related unrest.
Next, Biden makes one last attempt to insult Trump before Election Day and fails miserably – stumbling over his own words: 「Remember the last guy when he was president? He said, ‘We’re going to… we’ve.. . retired… we’ve… [inaudible], we’re going to have an infrastructure week.’
Barack 「Thunder of Satan」 Obama is now also claiming that Kamala worked at McDonalds and did not pretend to work there like Trump. The problem with his claim is that she did not work at McDonalds and they tried to create fake photos of her that were exposed. To date, no one has provided any evidence that she worked there.
The real Kamala is something completely different.
Elon Musk released a Make America Healthy Again video showing how Harris, as a California prosecutor, took grotesque pleasure in ruining the lives of parents by prosecuting those whose children skipped school.
「I learned that with the stroke of a pen I could charge someone with a minor offense, that person could be arrested, that person could lose their job, that person could lose their standing in the community,」 she says in one clip. 「Weeks later I could drop the charges, but their life would be changed forever.
In this campaign, each side has used fake images of their opponents. That’s probably why the world was presented with an image of Joe Biden biting a baby and Trump riding on a garbage truck.
There are also widespread predictions that this election will be accompanied by very serious violence.
In anticipation of this violence, Washington DC is boarded up and the White House is surrounded by barriers.
It is also reported that preparations are being made to assassinate over 100 members of Congress. As we were about to publish this report, a source in the Pentagon sent us this photo, which supposedly shows a gallows on which politicians are to be hanged.
Many believe that these congressmen are guilty of mass murder. The documentary 「Thank You Dr. Fauci」 premiered in New York a few days ago. This documentary is 「an indictment of the ‘scientist’ who killed 20 million people. This trailer has already been banned by his propaganda partners, the big tech and media billionaires,」 comments a doctor from the Pentagon.
We note that Fauci has not appeared in public since we reported that he committed 「suicide」 by stuffing himself with toilet paper.
However, other KM medical mafiosi are still at work. Here you can watch Google Chief Health Officer Karen DeSalvo explain how Google manipulates internet search and works with the WHO, NIH and governments to suppress/censor content and representations they disagree with.
As WHO terrorist Tedros explains: 「It’s time to be more aggressive against the anti-vaxxers. They used Covid as an opportunity and all the chaos they are causing.」
Meanwhile, Fauci’s successor Mandy Cohen and Senator Chuck Schumer are calling for another COVID-19 vaccination with a mischievous smile on their faces…
Not to mention the overwhelming evidence that these vaccines were, quite simply, instruments of murder.
Trump promises to appoint vaccine justice advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to clean up the pharmaceutical industry, so that a Trump victory will bring justice to these criminals as well.
One sign that this process has begun is a resolution in the Louisiana House of Representatives calling on the Department of Health to investigate the last 10 years of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) incidents in the state and compare each report with the child’s vaccination history.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says: 「On January 20, the Trump White House will order all US water systems to remove fluoride from public water. 「Fluoride is an industrial waste that has been linked to arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders and thyroid disease.」
This is just one of literally thousands of poisons that the KM has introduced into substances we use or consume every day. RFK Jr. has a big fight ahead of him.
Another battle is brewing over the KM’s use of weather warfare. Spain was the most recent victim of such an attack. King Philip of Spain was pelted with mud by angry people in Valencia, where more than 200 people died during the flooding. In Valencia, it rained as much in just 8 hours as it did in a whole year.
MI6 says King Philip (who is allegedly Crown Prince William’s real father) is being blackmailed by the KM with weather weapons because they want him to hand over the money he made from the international drug trade. MI6 also says that far more people died in the attacks than are reported: 「There is an underground car park aka a mass grave.」
We now also receive further confirmation that the Weather War attack on North Carolina was intended to seize land:
「Gov. Cooper confirms North Carolina land grab: Communities ‘will not rebuild’ because of ‘climate change」.
People are fighting back. For example, a group of miners from West Virginia voluntarily built a road in a week that the North Carolina government said would take months.
As in Hawaii and Mexico, these attacks are followed by development plans from the usual suspects BlackRock, etc. These are, of course, Rockefeller fronts. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is now being actively hunted by the white hats and will be forced to expose his bosses, Asian secret society sources say.
Speaking of weather weapons, we note that China is sending DEW-equipped ships to Antarctica. It is likely that they will oppose the KM-guided weather weapons operating there.
The sooner they address the facilities there, the better. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen recommends that EU citizens stock up on supplies for three days in order to be prepared for possible cyber attacks, acts of sabotage and chemical, biological or nuclear threats.
This is a good sign that the KM in Europe is planning to do something bad to its own citizens and then blame it on Russia.
Nobody will believe them because the whole world now knows who is really responsible for most of the chaos on the planet. As Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says, 「The Americans always try to rule by creating crises on the planet.」
Former CIA official Larry C. Johnson agrees. Johnson, who served in Iraq, confirms that it was the US government that funded IED attacks against US troops.
This is a typical KM strategy:
Sending mercenaries disguised as terrorists to create a pretext to send the US military to seize resources needed by KM-owned companies. In Iraq, it was the oil that was used by KM to pay off debts to China and postpone the bankruptcy of the US corporation.
The Chinese promise us that they will not finance the US company this time. It may have been an omen that the US Treasury sign fell down when Secretary Janet Yellen was asked how concerned she was about the status of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
A sign that the current US oligarchy is coming to an end: according to our sources, 53% of American millionaires have fled the country or are planning to leave. Many will never return.
Asian secret societies are now seriously considering a white proposal to place both Canada and the US Corporation under new leadership and restore democracy and the rule of law.
Canada needs this just as urgently as the USA. To illustrate:
Canada has just killed its first citizen under the Canadian government’s controversial new plans to begin euthanizing patients harmed by COVID-19 「vaccines.」
A man in Ontario, in his late 40s, is the first person to be euthanized due to 「post-COVID-19 vaccine syndrome.」
Today, the Canadian government euthanizes citizens for depression, hearing loss, autism, and even poverty and homelessness.
The government is even pushing to extend euthanasia laws to children and infants.
Even if China does not finance the white hat takeover, the white hats must deprive KM of control over the central banks.
The alternative is that we all become slaves to the planned satanic financial system with the mark of the beast.
Mastercard has just launched a test case. They are offering cards that will force you to 「decarbonize」 your spending. Remember, we are carbon-based life forms, so this is inherently hostile to life.
Here is another development in the KM’s anti-carbon campaign:
See…. Green Energy…. Major fire at a lithium battery recycling plant that triggered massive explosions and forced evacuations.
Fredericktown | Missouri
Japan is now abandoning the KM’s plans for a lithium battery-based economy and is in the process of releasing the hydrogen genie from its bottle. Once they do this, the KM will be forced to give up its control over Western industrial policy. The hydrogen age will begin.
Russia also continues to crack down on the KM’s financial and economic system. A Russian court has ordered Google to pay a fine of around $20 billion, more than the world’s GDP and more than all the money in the world combined, for blocking pro-Kremlin media.
Russia knows that Google is controlled by the KM and this ruling is their promise to bankrupt Google. As a sign of how they view the current regime in the West, Russia’s representative to the UN sent a very clear message to NATO last week.
All this means that, regardless of the outcome of tomorrow’s presidential election, the rest of the world has already broken free from the KM’s shackles. Hopefully, the Americans will join them soon.
One final note this week: P3 Masonic sources tell us that 「the author of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ was not Rudolf Hess. Jesuit Father Bernhard Stempfle was the author of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’. Adolf Hitler just signed it.」 That’s not what the former head of MI6 told us, but hopefully we will all soon learn the true history of our planet. One thing is for sure, we have been singing to about many things for a long time. The truth will soon set us free.
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