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這張不可思議的照片,記下了鬥牛士Torero Alvaro Munera 鬥牛生涯終結的那一刻。






Torero Munera:「忽然間,我從這公牛的眼底,看到和所有動物都一樣的純真與無辜,它看著我對我懇求著,就像是對公義的哀號,深深地沉入我心底,當時我好比是一位告解者,我意思是說當一個人坦白地懺悔了,是希望....他能獲得寬恕,我那時覺得自己真是毫無價值,糟透了!」


"牛在所有生靈中算是最溫馴的物種,它們對自己幼雛的關愛及溫柔照料是無其它動物能比,簡言之,我一點也不會不好意思來公告大眾,我對這群安祥動物深深的愛。"---Thomas de Quincey.


以下為與Torero的談話內容連結,Torero談到他將變成一位素食者,並將為「終止鬥牛傳統」而奮戰。 http://www.rnw.nl/english/​radioshow/identity-crisis




This incredible photo marks the end of Matador Torero Alvaro Muneras career. Hecollapsed in remorse mid-fight when he realized he was having to prompt this otherwise gentle beast to fight. He went on to become an avid opponent of bullfights. (The look on this bulls face says it all for me. Even grievously wounded by picadors, he did not attack this man.)


Torrero Munera is quoted as saying of this moment: "And suddenly, I looked at the bull. He had this innocence that all animals have in their eyes, and he looked at me with this pleading. It was like a cry for justice, deep down inside of me. I describe it as being like a prayer - because if one confesses, it is hoped, that one is forgiven. I felt like the worst shit on earth."


"Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing creatures; none show more passionate tenderness to their young when deprived of them; and, in short, I am not ashamed to profess a deep love for these quiet creatures." -


Thomas de Quincey


By: Carolyn Mabry


There is an interview with this torero here where he discusses going on to become a vegetarian and to fight to stop bullfighting:



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