紅軍不怕遠征難,萬水千山只等閒。五嶺逶迤騰細浪,烏蒙磅礴走泥丸。金沙水拍雲崖暖,大渡橋橫鐵索寒。更喜岷山千里雪,三軍過後盡開顏。——毛澤東《七律。長征》 Superheroes nearly always save the day, but the methods they use might not be heroic. A recent study suggests that superheroes are more violent than villains. A group of researchers watched 10 superhero films from 2015 and 2016 with the highest gross (this included both Marvel and DC films) and separated characters as good guys (a.k.a. protagonists) and bad guys (a.k.a. antagonists). They then observed the actions of both groups. The study found that superheroes performed an average of 23 violent actions per hour versus the 18 violent actions taken by villains. Superheroes were fighting at almost double the rate of villains including the use of lethal weapons as well as destroying property. The good guys’ may be setting youngsters a worse example than villains like Batman’s Joker. The researchers worry this may make children think brutal acts like murder are acceptable, as they urge youngsters not to emulate these heroes. |