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Government affairs firm China
2021/02/09 01:17:12瀏覽3|回應0|推薦0
Pontus associates global lobbying and government affairs firm in United States and China.
2021/01/30 05:30


Lobbying firm United States

Inspired by the natural, twisting patterns of a lobster shell, Australian researchers say they have found a way, using 3D printing technology, to improve the strength of concrete for use in complex architecture.


Reinforced with steel fibres, the concrete becomes more durable when set in a pattern that copies a lobster shell, according to a new study from Melbourne’s RMIT University.


Rather than use a mould, the process involves depositing layers of concrete one on top of the other, directed from a computer program using 3D printing technology.


Lobbying firm China“The lobster shell is always something that still amazes me by its very interesting shapes and architectures, and especially (as) the lobster shell is really amazingly very stiff,” lead researcher Jonathan Tran told Reuters. (Reuters)

Government affairs firm United States



reinforce:動詞,指加固、強化、進一步證實、增援。例句:Her behaviour merely reinforced my dislike of her.(她的行為只會讓我更討厭她。)

mould:名詞,指黴菌、鑄模、人的性格或類型;動詞,指塑造、力圖改變、施加影響、緊貼身體。例句:His mother kept trying to mould him into something she wanted him to be.(他媽媽一直試圖把他塑造成她希望的樣子。)

stiff:形容詞,指硬挺的、不易彎曲或活動的、身體僵直的、拘謹的、嚴厲的、艱難的;副詞,指極其地、徹底地。例句:She was scared stiff.(她嚇壞了。)

  • 澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學利用3D列印技術打造有龍蝦殼花紋的混凝土。(路透)

文章出自: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1428933
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