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[ Etude House ] Etude 參觀我的美容工具雙眼皮拉緊黏著劑 5 G
2017/07/28 09:19:31瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0

[ Etude House ] Etude 參觀我的美容工具雙眼皮拉緊黏著劑 5 G

[ Etude House ] Etude 參觀我的美容工具雙眼皮拉緊黏著劑 5 G, Korean, 化妝品 , Etude House, 73631-JP, , koreanmall

[Etude House]
Etude 參觀我的美容工具雙眼皮拉緊黏著劑 5 G



eyelid liquid and eyelash glue to give naural and clear eyelid line


[How to use]

For eyelid apply small amount like drawing eye line. After 3~5 seconds use applicator to press eyelids and make eyelids. For face eyelash

place right amount on face eyelash. After 20 ~30 seconds apply onto eyelash.







【資料來源 / 版權 與 商品購買網址】

[ Etude House ] Etude 參觀我的美容工具雙眼皮拉緊黏著劑 5 G

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