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2016/07/13 05:54:19瀏覽23|回應0|推薦0

zalora鞋size【愛不釋手】Jack Purcell Seasonal Sneakers Ox, 鞋, 鞋



後來發現ZALORA這個網站,裡面賣的都是一些外國的品牌,價格也不貴,重點是!!!應該....不會再到處撞衫了吧XDD 有種發現新大陸的感覺~~

Jack Purcell Seasonal Sneaesprit台灣官網kers Ox, 鞋, 鞋

Amp up your casual wear with these iconic kicks by Converse. The Jack Purcell Seasonal Sneakers Ox get an impressive upgrade with the Lunarlon cushioning in the insole. The Lunarlon insoles are super soft yet resilient thus providing you with the most comfortable footwear experience. This wicked pair of looking shoes are finished with a leather upper but injected with just the right dose of casual vibes with the gold, round laces.- Leather upper- Round toe- 7 pairs of metal eyelets with round lace- Heel pull tab- Jack Purcell heel patch- Lunarlon-infused insoles- Vulcanized rubber outsole

這是最近買到的一項還算不錯的商品,一樣是在ZALORA購物網上買的,發現現在在網路上購物的比率越來越高了,可能跟生活越來越忙碌有關吧... 沒什麼時間外出採購,放假都以外出旅遊以及陪家人為主,而且有時發現在外面的賣場比價半天累得要死,才省下十幾二十塊,後來乾脆都在網路上比較了, 我真的非常喜歡逛ZALORA購物網,尤其裡面休閒鞋的這一項,更是讓我敗了好多次....,下面是賣場提供的商品簡介,大家一起入坑吧



成立於2012年,ZALORA 如今已成為亞洲成長最快的網路時尚購物平台。擁有超過400種跨越女裝,男裝,鞋,飾品配件,美容及運動用品的不同品牌。融合國際設計師品牌及自有品牌,我們已然成為全面化的網路時裝店,可滿足您對時尚潮流的種種需求。

ZALORA 將為亞洲時尚界帶來全新革命,超過30,000件網路商品以及每週高達百項以上的新開發產品陣容,為市場注入創新活力,帶動時尚潮流。我們擁有時尚與科技,並相信把他們融合在一起,能為您提供最好的網上購物體驗。Amp up your casual wear with these iconic kicks by Converse. The Jack Purcell Seasonal Sneakers Ox get an impressive upgrade with the Lunarlon cushioning in the insole. The Lunarlon insoles are super soft yet resilient thus providing you with the most comfortable footwear experience. This wicked pair of looking shoes are finished with a leather upper but injected with just the right dose of casual vibes with the gold, round laces.

- Leather upper
- Round toe
- 7 pairs of metal eyelets with round lace
- Heel pull tabzalora 台灣門市
- Jack Purcell heel patch
- Lunarlon-infused insoles
- Vulcanized rubber outsole

購買的網址在這裡---zalora鞋心得>Jack Purcell Seasonal Sneakers Ox, 鞋, 鞋



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