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How to carry out quality control issues during sheet metal processing
2021/11/12 15:34:38瀏覽61|回應0|推薦0
The sheet metal processing industry generally has the characteristics of small batches and many varieties, and the quality requirements of each customer are different, so the quality of sheet metal is difficult to control. So how should quality control problems be carried out during sheet metal processing? Here are a few questions about how to carry out quality control.sheet metal fabrication company

1. Understand the needs of customers. When you come into contact with new varieties or new orders, you must have a certain understanding of the customer's products, and understand the customer's requirements for the appearance, size, and purpose of the product.

2. Understand the customer's product requirements, choose different processes according to the customer's products, and explain the precautions in the process drawings: such as the surface can not be scratched.

3. The engineering department gets the drawings to make the process drawings. The drawings drawn by the craftsman must be inspected by another craftsman. After the inspection is completed, it will be sent to the workshop after being signed and confirmed.

4. CNC blanking: the first piece of CNC blanking must go through a full inspection. CNC punching, laser cutting machine, etc., the unloaded workpieces are inspected, including the size expansion and other mass production, all the first parts must be inspected before mass production.

5. When bending, first confirm the bending direction and bending size, start mass production after confirmation, and re-inspect when changing operators or changing molds.

6. Finished products: For welded products or bending products, the dimensions should be sampled according to the requirements of the drawings. Each size should be confirmed during the sample inspection. At the same time, the appearance should be fully inspected, and the unqualified products should be adjusted in time. , Fill in the inspection report form at the same time for the second inspection.

The above is the method of how to control the quality of sheet metal processing. It is for reference only and I hope it will be helpful to you.

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