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Is food grade silicone toxic?
2021/10/26 16:57:08瀏覽116|回應0|推薦0
Food-grade silica gel, as the name suggests, is an organic silicon product that can be in direct contact with food. Food-grade silica gel is non-toxic, tasteless, non-toxic and side effects to the human body, and has stable chemical properties. Except for alkali and hydrofluoric acid, it does not react with any acid or alkali salt under normal conditions. It has the advantages of high transparency, yellowing, frost-free spraying, etc., especially it solves the softness, high tearability, high insulation, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, resistance of black hose frosting and fading blue products. Flammability, aging resistance, environmental protection, tensile resistance, stability and other issues.

Internationally, the identification standards for food-grade silica gel include US Food and Drug Administration standards and European standards. Baby pacifiers also have high requirements for food-grade silicone. custom silicone mold manufacturer Food-grade silicone products that meet these two standards are non-toxic.

Silica gel is more popular abroad, but not so popular in China. In terms of national quality control, many people have doubts about the quality. Many products do have questions. The problem is not whether it is toxic, but the consumers understanding of silicone products.

Silicone products such as silicone gifts, silicone cosmetics, silicone kitchenware, and silicone outdoor childrens products are made of food-grade silicone, which are particularly popular in European and American countries.

In addition to its softness, drop resistance, high temperature up to 230 degrees, low temperature to -40 degrees, silica gel itself can also be used in microwave dishwashers, while the commonly used stainless steel ceramics and other materials are not very different in terms of food contact safety.


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