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2009/10/22 05:10:53瀏覽964|回應0|推薦9
Every morning....I start with an open Bible, open heart...
 I can feel you sit next to me, talk to me, heal me...

This morning I went to
Bible study with a peaceful mind...I listened to every word you
said...I am so thankful that you are with me all the time..watches me
driving, talking, crying, and watches me touching people and be touched
by people.

This is what I just saw...It's so beautiful,isn't it ?..love to share with you.


剛在韓國超市 Lotte 拍到的 可愛杯子蛋糕~我今天很客氣..還有問店員:可不可以拍...她很大方說好,還送我一個免費的面包~~

還有我們前天柀鄰居 BOO...所以今天要換我們 Boo 別人啦....是誰不想活敢 Boo我們的??..要小心唷...因為我們要來 Boo Boo Boo YOU了

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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