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Extra 3hrs
2021/02/14 23:59:01瀏覽88|回應0|推薦0

Your parents came along to take care of our kid today. 

Then your mom proposed that we shall go out to have fun, only 2 of us. 

I was so pleased. 

However, we had trouble about figuring out where to go. 

Especially during Chinese New Year, it was packed with tons of people & cars. 

We were even checking toys for our kid in the first shopping mall we visited this afternoon. What kind of date is it? 

At the end, I kinda gave up and drove my car wandering around the country yard and city while you were sleeping. So funny. We ended up at the supermarket buying ingredients for dinner-cooking. Anyway, my valentines day was being completed by you just one hour ago. That was truly sweaty and sweet.

( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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