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2011/03/05 23:53:12瀏覽517|回應0|推薦2
PR-1059C | 2010年9月23日



美國在台協會高雄分處處長康晟如(Chris Castro) 說道:「美國在台協會高雄分處新成立的商務文化中心是自分處於1989年遷移至現址以來,所新增的最大型而且最重要的設施。商務文化中心的啟用彰顯美國在台協會對南台灣的重視,以及我們將繼續強化台美人民之間的關係與情誼的決心。」



  • 日期﹕9月27日(星期一)
  • 時間﹕上午9時15分至11時
  • 地點﹕國泰中正大樓3樓,美國在台協會高雄分處美國商務文化中心 (高雄市中正三路2號3樓)

AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office Announces Grand Opening of U.S. Commerce and Culture Activity Center

PR-1059E | Date: 9/23/2010

The American Institute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch Office is pleased to announce the grand opening of its new U.S. Commerce and Culture Activity Center at a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 27, 2010.

The U.S. Commerce and Culture Activity Center will play host to a wide variety of activities throughout the year, including U.S. commercial exhibitions, U.S.-Taiwan business exchanges, U.S. travel and tourism events, U.S. food promotions, American speaker programs, academic seminars, digital video conferences and U.S. cultural presentations. The Center will be located on the third floor of AIT Kaohsiung's current office building.

AIT Kaohsiung Branch Chief Chris Castro stated that "AIT Kaohsiung's new Activity Center is the biggest and most significant addition to AIT Kaohsiung's facilities since it moved to its present location in 1989. The opening of the Activity Center underscores AIT's commitment to southern Taiwan and our determination to continue strengthening the close ties and warm friendship between the people of southern Taiwan and the United States."

AIT Kaohsiung Branch Chief Castro and Executive Yuan Southern Taiwan Service Center CEO Lo Shih-hsiung will be among those participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony. The opening ceremony program will commence at 9:30 a.m., featuring a lion dance performance by Shijia Junior High School and a children's dance performance by Boston Kindergarten in Kaohsiung.

All media representatives are invited to join the AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office to celebrate the grand opening of its U.S. Commerce and Culture Activity Center scheduled for:

  • Date: Monday, September 27
  • Time: 9:15 - 11:00 a.m
  • Location: Cathay Building, 3F, AIT Kaohsiung U.S. Commerce and Culture Activity Center (3F, 2, Chung Cheng 3rd Road, Hsin Hsing District, Kaohsiung).

For further media information, please contact: Beatrice Lin, Tel: (07) 238-7744 ext. 625

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