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The Blind Side 攻其不備
休閒生活影視戲劇 2010/03/13 17:43:52

I went to see the movie ‘The Blind Side’. As you know, I don’t usually go to a cinema, let alone feeling that the money’s well spent afterwards. Most of the time, when I go to the cinema and feel that money is well spent, it is mostly about who I go with to share the experience together than what the movie is about. However, this movie did make me feel that the money was well-spent, and I felt a lift afterwards.

I’m always moved by acts of kindness and this movie is all about that. A white family helped a black boy whom they knew nothing about and raised him like their own. A helpless kid (black or not black) was lucky enough to find another family who actually loved him for who he was and had a wonderfuly American football career ahead of him as a result. It is not a fictional story, it is real life. It’s much more powerful because of that.

A act of kindness is never easy in this cynical world. ‘Would I be in the position to act out of kindness for no selfish reason’, I wonder. Or maybe I am wrong about acting out of kindess is difficult. Maybe it’s easy, you just need to look at this world more from others’ perspective and try to do SOMETHING while you can. I wonder…

The Blind Side 攻其不備
2010/03/13 17:43:52 |瀏覽 172 回應 0 推薦 0 引用 0
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