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Wire Forming Machine
2018/04/17 11:11:46瀏覽53|回應0|推薦0
The wire forming machine, known as wire bending equipment is used for forming different wire forms and for spring leg bending. It is ideally suited for prototypes and small production requirements. Recently, this kind of forming machine is widely used with PC thus facilitate the production line and operation.

Our wiring forming machines feature the latest electronic advancements. Controllers are based on SERCOS interface technology, a much more easier sysstem to operate. The wire forming machines are fully electric, with pneumatic sub-systems, if necessary. There is no hydraulic system on the machines, which generally are slow and leak prone, so the machines can work effectively at any working enviornments.

Check out out website, and you definitely can get your ideal ones here. 
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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