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美國總統敗登信口開河承諾保護台灣? Biden says US will defend Taiwan if China attacks.
2021/10/22 14:10:34瀏覽216|回應1|推薦6



Biden is asked what he will do to keep up to China militarily, and can he vow to protect Taiwan: "Yes and yes." pic.twitter.com/HOlDYHwjOq

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) October 22, 2021.

拜登20211021參加美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)一場會見選民的活動時,明確宣示:「我們會保衛台灣!」「鎮民大會」(town hall meeting)活動在馬里蘭州大城巴爾的摩(Baltimore)舉行,一位來自康乃迪克州的大學生問拜登(Joe Biden):「中國最近試射高超音速(hypersonic)飛彈,您要如何在軍事上抗衡中國,您是否會誓言保衛台灣?」

CNN主持人古柏(Anderson Cooper)追問:「所以您的意思是,一旦中國發動攻擊,美國會防衛台灣?」拜登明確回答:「沒錯,我們(對台灣)有承諾。」

拜登立刻回答:「會的!會的!」(Yes and yes.)???.


美國智庫「蘭德公司」(RAND)的資深軍事研究員(Derek Grossman)在.(The Diplomat)撰文指出,拜登政府其實繼承了先前川普的對中鷹派路線,並且抓住每一個機會重申美國對台灣的承諾,台灣就是美國粘板上的肉食,隨時可以取用煎,煮,炒,炸與燒烤,台灣做為俎上肉實在是悲哀至極,DG.強調無論是共和黨或是民主黨執政的美國,早已鎖定台灣,吃定台灣以台灣關係法,玩弄台灣人,直到詐乾淨台灣的外匯存款為止後,配合一個中國政策,將台灣拱手讓給中國,接受統一,即使台灣的民進黨與國民黨知悉,也無可奈何,因為夾縫裡求生存,過一天是一天,直到被統一的那1日到來..

Joe Biden suggests US would defend Taiwan against China, forcing fresh White House clarification.President Joe Biden has said the US would come to Taiwan’s defence and had a commitment to defend the island China claims as its own, forcing the White House to clarify for the second time in three months that US policy on the subject has not changed.

“Yes, we have a commitment to do that,” Biden said at a CNN town hall on Thursday night when asked if the US would come to the defence of Taiwan, which has complained of mounting military and political pressure from Beijing to accept Chinese sovereignty.

The White House subsequently told reporters that US policy on Taiwan had not changed..


.President Joe Biden at the town hall meeting


Biden says US will defend Taiwan if China attacks.

"Yes, we have a commitment to do that," he said when asked during a townhall if the US would defend Taiwan.

But a White House spokesman later told some US media outlets that his remarks did not signify a change in policy.

Taiwan reacted by saying Mr Bidens statement would not change its own position with regards to China.

The US has long practised "strategic ambiguity" when it comes to the thorny issue of defending Taiwan.

This has meant the US has been deliberately ambiguous about what it would do if China were to attack the island.

China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province, one that it may take back by force one day if necessary, whereas Taiwan claims that it is a sovereign state.

The US has no official diplomatic ties with Taiwan, but sells arms to it as part of its Taiwan Relations Act, which states that the US must help the island defend itself.



.Biden said people should not worry about Washington’s military strength because “China, Russia and the rest of the world knows we’re the most powerful military in the history of the world”.“What you do have to worry about is whether or not they’re going to engage in activities that would put them in a position where they may make a serious mistake,” he said.

Military tensions between Taiwan and China were at their worst in more than 40 years, Taiwan’s defence minister, Chiu Kuo-cheng, said this month. China would be capable of mounting a “full-scale” invasion by 2025, he added.

China claims Taiwan as its own territory, which should be taken by force if necessary, while Taiwan says it is an independent country and will defend its freedoms and democracy.







Washington is required by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, but it has long followed a policy of “strategic ambiguity” on whether it would intervene militarily to protect Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.

In August, a Biden administration official said US policy on Taiwan had not changed after the president appeared to suggest the US would defend the island if it were attacked.

Biden said on Thursday: “I don’t want a cold war with China. I just want China to understand that we’re not going to step back, that we’re not going to change any of our views.”

China says Taiwan is the most sensitive and important issue in its ties with the US and has denounced what it calls “collusion” between Washington and Taipei. Speaking to reporters earlier on Thursday, China’s United Nations ambassador, Zhang Jun, said the country was pursuing “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan and responding to “separatist attempts” by its ruling Democratic Progressive Party.


Taiwans presidential office responded to Mr Bidens statement by saying it would neither give in to pressure nor "rashly advance" when it gets support.

"Taiwan will show a firm determination to defend itself," said presidential spokesperson Xavier Cheng, who also went on to acknowledge the Biden administrations continued show of rock-solid support for Taiwan.

Tensions have been rising between Taiwan and China in recent weeks after Beijing flew dozens of warplanes into Taiwans air defence zone.

Mr Biden added that he was not worried about an intentional conflict with China, and said there was no need to "worry about whether theyre going to be more powerful" because "China, Russia and the rest of the world knows were the most powerful military in the history of the world".

"What you do have to worry about is whether or not theyre [China] going to engage in activities that would put them in a position where they may make a serious mistake," he said.

When queried a second time by CNNs Andersons Cooper about whether the US would come to Taiwans defence in the event of an attack by China, Biden again answered in the affirmative.

A White House spokesperson later attempted to clarify Bidens comments to US media outlets, saying the US was "not announcing any change in our policy and there is no change in our policy".

( 時事評論兩岸 )
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red square 123
2021/10/23 11:32
Biden's statement that the US "would defend" Taiwan if " it was invaded by China" is dangerous policy change by the US toward the Taiwan issue, the US has been moving in that direction for sometime now and finally it throws its "ambiguity policy" out of the window.

red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2021-10-23 11:32 回覆:

This is the most dangerous US escalation against China since it began its Cold War against China and could make Taiwan the trigger of any potential conflict between the US and China.

USA against CHINA using Taiwan issue that"s it.