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2019/03/24 13:22:20瀏覽318|回應0|推薦5

 MONUSCO Democratic Republic of Congo.


The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) took over from an earlier UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) – on 1 July 2010. The new mission seeks to enhance the protection of civilians and to support the government of the DRC in its efforts to consolidate peace throughout the entire territory of the Congo.

With the developments unfolding in the eastern part of the country, MONUSCO is obliged to be able to ensure the supervision of the forces present and the respect for the fundamental rights of the civilian population.



 我第20批赴刚果 金 维和部队出征







 相關圖片第十五批赴刚果 金 维和部队出征












15 Mar2019.MONUSCOs first female military observer from China, Major YANG HUAN HUAN



I came to Congo 10 months ago. While in Congo, I was moved by many stories every day, especially when interacting with the local people and villagers; I am deeply touched by their sense of humility, kindness and curiosity to know new things.

In each patrol to a village, children would follow the patrolling car and shout "MONUSCO!", obliging us to drive slowly for fear of raising dust and hurt their bodies, still weak. Children wouldnt care, they would keep running joyfully. They would flock around the UN car and come closer to us to watch our skin and appearance that were different from theirs. They would soon realize that they were dealing with friendly people, "MONUSCO Military Observers".

Being the first female military observer from China, my family and friends in China had serious concerns about how I was living in Africa.

If I tell them everything is okay, that would be a lie. From the worlds biggest developing country to the less developed regions of the world, that is the war-torn eastern DR Congo, challenges are self-evident.

In such an extremely weak country, military observers need to take care of their own food, daily necessities, housing, etc., that is, they need to rent their own houses, cook their own meals, and when patrolling, drive the vehicle ourselves.

Due to the particular nature of the work done by military observers, United Nations did not equip us with weapons or guards. The bare-handed observers’ patrolling investigations were not that easy. While displaying the United Nations peaceful nature, observers’ work exposed them to all sorts of risks.

Well, as a soldier, I am prepared for all kinds of hardships. We regularly face lack of water and electricity difficult-to-access roads in the Bukavu Highway where I was deployed. During the dry season, the situation was even worse with patrolling vehicles driving in dusty road affecting their visibility; everything would look blurred with the rising dust.

If not, much can be seen when driving on dusty roads; what about in the rainy season? Roads are flooded with rain waters and we almost drive on streams; no way for the water to drain itself off the road. With the impressive amount of clay, it is like driving in a mud swamp, with the wheels skidding helter-skelter and making life even more difficult.

 "There is no safe drinking water here – nor yet water for domestic for washing; we must move 5 kilometers away to get it." 

CIRHAGABWA village chief, Mr. Kozibwa, trusts MONUSCO military observers. When we get to the village to fetch water, he tells us the difficulties faced by the village. I remember, once, we patrolled to the Sinelac village, where we found a water tap in front of the village office!

It was indeed the first time to see water tap equipment in a village for the past four months. In most villages one would find water wells. I rushed and tried to turn on the water faucet. I was about to tell the villagers to wash their hands frequently, to heed the hygiene rules so as to protect themselves from the Ebola virus disease. Can you imagine! Not a drop of water in the water pipe. Villagers told me the water pipe did not receive any water supply for a long time.

All I had in mind when coming to Africa, it is a vast grassland, a mysterious place. But now I know from what I see on the ground, it has villages with devastated thatched cottage and mud houses, barefoot children and scantily dressed villagers. Every time I see this, I think I should do something. As a result, during each patrol, I carry some snacks for the local people..

Once the food package is ripped opened, villagers would swarm up and wipe out the whole package in a matter of seconds. After patrolling the area and distributed the food items for some time, I paused for a while and thought: “food and aid are limited; they can in no way truly and effectively respond to the need of the villagers sustainably.

Knowledge can change life

How can the villagers be actually lifted from poverty to prosperity?” I come up with the idea: knowledge can effectively change the course of life. So, I stopped taking candies and biscuits when patrolling, but started bringing some books, notebooks, pens, and foot balls for the children. I also asked my comrades to join in the efforts, contributing pens with cartoon books and toys from China, hoping to develop childrens interest in learning.

"Knowledge can indeed change fate, sports can make one feel stronger and sturdier," I told the children in the village, adding ‘’if you want to get rid of poverty, this is the only path to take.’’ There is no shortcut to success. The elder children nodded sensibly, and the younger children looked at their older brothers and sisters, trying to understand what I meant. However, more importantly, I could feel from their look, they were more curious with a longing desire for happiness.

The local people who have seen so many patrols became familiar with the Military observers. A local village woman, Florence, is a mother with three children who went through a terrible ordeal in which all her family members perished in a fire accident. This made her life, which was already tough, even worse. She looked helpless as she sat on the ashes and wept. I was so sad that I put $50 in an envelope with some words to comfort her in Swahili; it read: "Florence, dont cry, be strong! We stand with you!"

I also gave her clothes and shoes, hoping to cheer her up. The $50, for me, is nothing, but it is the equivalent of Florence’s monthly salary. This small gesture not only conveyed our sympathy, but also, more importantly, was meant to help her family out of the stormy situation. She had no mobile phone and couldnt speak English. She asked someone to send me a congratulatory text message. She has now rebuilt her home to start a new life and will never forget the help of the Chinese military observer.

As military observers, we put together the first-hand information received during the patrol investigations and report them to relevant departments every day. It makes me happy to see how our efforts can help make some difference in the country. The good news is when the Congolese government takes positive actions. As an example, the road leading to Nyangezi in Bukavu was half rehabilitated.

Each year, many military observers from across the world join the peacekeepers as military observers and we continue to receive great stories about our MILOB team – as the saying goes: ‘’Before coming to Africa, one is afraid of Africa; while being in Africa, one loves Africa. Now, I have fallen in love with Africa as well its people and its land. I will continue to work hard with my teammates for peace and happiness to prevail in DR Congo!




聯剛穩定團 情況介紹聯合國組織剛果民主共和國特派團

地點剛果民主共和國  總部金夏沙設立時間20107

當地時間24 三月 2019 - 04:47 WAT

 保護剛果民主共和國的平民並鞏固該國和平 ,201071日,聯剛穩定團從上一期聯合國維持和平行動——聯合國組織剛果民主共和國特派團(聯剛特派團)接管了維和任務。此次接管依據的是安全理事會528日第1925(2010)號決議,反映了該國所處的新階段。










主要當事方同意部署聯合國維持和平行動未必表示或保證地方一級也同意,特別是在主要當事方內部出現分裂或指揮控制系統薄弱的情況下。在動盪不安的環境中 ——通常都存在不受任何當事方控制的武裝團體,或者存在其他破壞者——更難達成普遍同意。

中国第15批赴刚果 金 维和部队第二梯队启程






中国第十五批赴刚果 金 维和部队出征

  聯合國維持和平行動並非一個執行工具。但它們可在獲得安全理事會授權的情況下,出於自衛和履行職責之目的在戰術一級使用武力。 在某些動盪局勢中,安全理事會給予聯合國維持和平行動“強有力的”授權,授權他們“使用一切必要手段”威懾武力破壞政治進程的企圖、保護受迫近的襲擊威脅的平民、和/或協助國家當局維護法律與秩序。






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