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美國鄉村樂波霸天后[桃莉.芭頓]──[We Had It All/我們曾擁有一切]
2021/09/09 00:13:04瀏覽418|回應0|推薦8


美國鄉村樂波霸天后[桃莉.芭頓]──[We Had It All/我們曾擁有一切]



I can hear the wind a blowin in my mind

Just the way it use to sound through the Georgia pines

You were always there to answer when Id call

You and me, we had it all


Remember how I use to touch your hair

Reaching for the feeling that was always there

You were the best thing in my life, I can recall

You and me, we had it all


I know that we can never live those times again

But I let my dreams take me back to where weve been

And I stay there with you just as long as I can

Oh it was so good

It was so good

It was so good when you were my man


But Ill never stop believing in your smile

Even though you didnt stay, it was all worth while

You were the best thing in my life I can recall

You and me, we had it all


I know that we could never get that far again

So I let these memories take me on back to where weve been

And I stay there with you just as long as I can

Oh it was so good, it really was

It was so good, oh oh

It was so good when you were my man


You were the best thing in my life I can recall

You and me, we had it all



1980年代中期 由於鄉村基本歌迷不滿其曲風過度流行 美國鄉村樂天后桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton)唱片銷售逐漸下滑

1986年 桃莉離開合作長達近20年的RCA唱片 隔年跳槽到哥倫比亞公司(Columbia

1986年4月, RCA Nashville發行選輯[Think About Love

由公司高層Mark Wright掌舵。

大碟收錄八首歌曲, 只有三首維持原有模樣, 其它五首不是重新混音, 便是剪輯過。

在沒有宣傳的情況下, Think About Love/想到愛]只升到美國Billboard副榜-鄉村專輯榜#54


唯一單曲是直到8月才發行的[We Had It All/我們曾擁有一切]

Donnie Fritts, Troy Seals譜寫

1973年由Waylon Jennings先灌錄

桃莉在1984年大碟[The Great Pretender/偉大冒充者]翻唱

原版是Val Garay製作的鋼琴伴奏鄉村抒情曲

但選輯版重新混音, 改成空心吉他伴奏, 芭頓重新配唱, 兩版外觀明顯不同, 但同樣動聽


We Had It All ]升到Billboard副榜-鄉村歌曲榜#31









1984 Original Version


Single Mix 


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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