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美國鄉村樂天后[桃莉.芭頓]──鄉村流行/軟式搖滾曲──[The River Unbroken]
2021/09/09 12:26:06瀏覽368|回應0|推薦9

美國鄉村樂波霸天后[桃莉.芭頓]──鄉村流行/軟式搖滾曲──[The River Unbroken/延續不斷的河流]

Waiting for the train to come

I keep a waiting for the train to come

Dreamin of the river and the rising sun

I keep thinkin bout the world to come

My life packed up in a suitcase

Old man staring from a doorway

My hope tarries in the distance

Love comes on the wheels of my deliverance

Where is the river unbroken

When will the whistle blow

Waitin for the train to come

I keep waitin for the train to come

Keepin my appointment with the one who lives

In the heart of everything that is

All night sleepin in a station

My God, its hard not to be impatient

I watch through the windows of forgiveness

I cry but my words my only witness

Where is the river unbroken

When will the whistle blow

Where is the river unbroken

When will the whistle blow

Sometimes I feel I cant go on, I cant go on

I get so tired, all passions gone

My heart, my head, my arms, my legs, I get so tired

Then something breaks inside my soul, my strength is gone

That spirits finally taking hold

My ears can hear, my eyes can see

Those clouds of joy still cover me, cover me, cover me

Where is the river unbroken

When will the whistle blow

Where is the river unbroken

When will the whistle blow

Where is, where is the river unbroken

When will the whistle blow

Waiting for the train to come

I keep waiting for the train to come


1980年代中期 由於鄉村基本歌迷不滿其曲風過度流行 美國鄉村樂天后桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton)唱片銷售逐漸下滑

1986年 桃莉離開合作長達近20年的RCA唱片 1987年跳槽到哥倫比亞公司(Columbia)

3月先與琳達朗絲黛(Linda Ronstadt) 艾蜜莉哈理斯(Emmylous Harris)完成十年前約定的夢想

推出華納(艾蜜莉.哈理斯的唱片公司)發行的三人合唱大碟〔Trio〕 大為成功 登上鄉村榜冠軍  拿到白金唱片 並有兩首單曲封后 暫時振興芭頓事業

1987年11月 桃莉推出在哥倫比亞旗下的首張專輯〔Rainbow/彩虹〕 由Steve "Gold-E" Goldstein製作


但樂評價不佳 加上三首單曲反應冷淡,  導致大碟只拿到流行專輯榜#153



首支主打[The River Unbroken/延續不斷的河流]由Darrell Brown+David Batteau譜寫

Steve "Gold-E" Goldstein製作成一首鄉村流行/軟式搖滾曲

光潤的編曲製作讓它聽起來更接近流行, 評價好壞兩極

[The River Unbroken]並沒打入Billboard單曲榜, 只拿到副榜──Billboard鄉村歌曲榜#63,這是20年來桃莉名次最低首單


加拿大鄉村歌曲榜#51 加拿大成人當代榜#23


Rainbow〕推出三首單曲 沒有一支打入鄉村榜Top40 創下事業最低點















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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