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美國歌壇創作才女[卡莉賽門]──成人流行抒情曲──[Life Is Eternal/生命是永恆的]
2020/08/27 12:45:04瀏覽367|回應0|推薦7

美國歌壇創作才女[卡莉賽門]──成人流行抒情曲──[Life Is Eternal/生命是永恆的]

Ive been doing a lot of thinking

About growing older and moving on

Nobody wants to be told that theyre getting on

For a long, long stay

But just how long and who knows

And how and where my spirit will go

Will it soar like Jazz on a saxophone

Or evaporate on a breeze

Wont you tell me please

That life is eternal

And love is immortal

And death is only a horizon

Life is eternal

As we move into the light

And a horizon is nothing

Save the limit of our sight

Save the limit of our sight

Here on earth Im a lost soul

Ever trying to find my way back home

Maybe thats why each new star is born

Expanding heavens room

Eternity in bloom

And will I see you up in that heaven

In all its light will I know youre there

Will we say the things that we never dared

If wishing makes it so

Wont you let me know

That life is eternal

And love is immortal

And death is only a horizon

Life is eternal

As we move into the light

And a horizon is nothing

Save the limit of our sight

Save the limit of our sight


1986年 美國創作歌手卡莉賽門(Carly Simon)以[Coming Around Again]專輯首度東山再起

1988年 以個人主導並製作的電影原聲帶[Working Girl/上班女郎]成為史上首位囊括奧斯卡 金球獎 葛萊美獎原創歌曲的藝人

1990年9月 在發行老歌翻唱大碟[My Romance/我的戀情]三個月後 

45歲的卡莉乘勝追擊 推出原創專輯[Have You Seen Me Lately/最近你看過我嗎?](Arista唱片)

Frank Filipetti Paul Samwell-Smith製作

11首歌曲中除三首合寫外, 其它皆由賽門創作

卡莉一向描寫同年紀族群的世界, 所以專輯內容是有關四十幾歲中年人的心情, 樂評不錯。


前兩首正式主打[Better Not Tell Her/最好別告訴她][Holding Me Tonight/今夜擁抱我]皆沒入單曲榜, 只分別拿到副榜──成人抒情榜#4/#36

1991年, 唱片公司推出[Life Is Eternal/生命是永恆的]為第三主打──但只是宣傳單曲

由卡莉&Teese Gohl譜寫, 被製作成一首成人流行抒情曲

歌曲在沉穩的速度間, 從輕吟, 循序漸進將歌曲帶入高潮, 後面的合聲精彩

賽門也於電視節目表演過[Life Is Eternal]


數首單曲失利讓[Have You Seen Me Lately]則僅爬到Billboard專輯榜#60 銷售不佳, 讓卡莉的東山再起告一段落















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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