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Don't let the sun go down on me
2020/05/29 09:43:48瀏覽486|回應0|推薦7
1982年有一位30歲白人婦人在家被強姦並被刺,她指認Archie Williams是罪犯。 Archie說他在家睡覺,並有3人作證他不在場,且現場沒他的指紋。 因他請不起律師,被判刑80年,不准假釋。 在路易安那州一重刑犯監獄被關了37年後,才因DNA檢測證明兇手另有其人(是一位連續強姦犯),才於去年獲釋。 在此漫長的牢獄生活,他靠禱告與唱歌撐過。 他在獄中常看美國達人秀,夢想有一天可參加,一展歌喉。 最近他的夢想終於實現,他唱的歌是 「Dont Let the Sun Go Down on me」! I cant light no more of your darkness All my pictures seem to fade to black and white Im growing tired and time stands still before me Frozen here on the ladder of my life Its much too late to save myself from falling I took a chance and changed your way of life But you misread my meaning when I met you Closed the door and left me blinded by the light Dont let the sun go down on me Although I search myself, its always someone else I see Id just allow a fragment of your life to wander free, oh But losing everything is like the sun going down on me Ladies and gentlemen Mr. Elton John I cant find Oh, the right romantic line But see me once and see the way I feel Dont discard me, baby dont Just because you think I mean, you harm (Just because you think…

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