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Anytime you blame others and complain about your situation, you are choosing to be a victim. By playing the victim role you are putting yourself in an ineffective and weak position. It is virtually impossible to allow incredible miracles to enter your life when you choose to remain in this negative mental state.

In the end, the public is the big loser when journalists can't get the information out. It is no easy task, but you had bettr try it at all events.


2022/08/27 05:44:58 |瀏覽 963 回應 2 推薦 36 引用 0
2022/08/27 05:27:10 |瀏覽 675 回應 1 推薦 25 引用 0
丟人現眼、無恥無格?!台灣出了哪些賣國賊? 藍營廉價通告咖臭嘴,竟跑去中共節目上面鬼扯蛋...
2022/08/27 03:46:01 |瀏覽 734 回應 1 推薦 24 引用 0
格局良莠、高下立判! 科技人與黑手愛的國家大不同?有人豪捐30億助台國防;有人搬運435億助匪商度過倒閉危機?
2022/08/27 03:23:00 |瀏覽 622 回應 0 推薦 21 引用 0
糞媒舔共走狗該自慚形穢! 曹董去年回歸台灣國籍,2022已在台灣繳了16億稅金...以具體行動真心實現愛台承諾!
2022/08/27 02:53:53 |瀏覽 721 回應 1 推薦 21 引用 0