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Winnie Chung winnie@winniechung.com 加拿大鍾太太仲介預做有假見證的空白授權達成交易
2014/05/09 10:54:38瀏覽2610|回應0|推薦0

加拿大統一地產經紀鍾太太預做有假見證的空白授權加拿大住家仲 介委託書予張書銘Paul Chang-2

committed forgery and perjury by knowingly signing as a false witness (even though he knew the fact that TENG-CHAO HSU never signed) on the Contract of Purchase and Sale and related documents, selling TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate at 4616 Halley Avenue in Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1. Note the “signed” contract and documents dated November 27, 1997 (evidence exhibits 10, 11 and 12).http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10030161


加拿大統一地產經紀鍾太太預做有假見證的空白授權加拿大住家仲 介委託書予張書銘Paul Chang-2

I have immigrated to Canada, 16 years ago my family and property in Canada disappeared.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13161059

 winnie@winniechung.com 鍾太太預做有假見證的空白授權


winnie@winniechung.com 加拿大鍾太太仲介預做有假見證的空白授權達成交易http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13187031

Vancouver, Canada, Multiple Realty Paul Chang Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687

Why am I on the status of education in Canada disappointed expectations judicial ends of justice!



winnie@winniechung.com 加拿大鍾太太仲介預做有假見證的空白授權達成交易http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13187031

I was later immigrated to Canada 16 years ago, my families and property are gone.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13161059

I have immigrated to Canada, 16 years ago my family and property in Canada disappeared.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13161059

My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada  V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998 . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755 

現溫哥華萬寶地產Multiple Realty Paul Chang 是偽造文書又是國際綁架主謀http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10888595

Vancouver, Canada, Multiple Realty Paul Chang Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687

Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang is wanted abduction of children http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067

Request immediately arrest-USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted abduction of children http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607

 Please help us once again happy reunion will be when appreciate it .http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710

winnie@winniechung.com 加拿大鍾太太仲介預做有假見證的空白授權達成交易http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13187031


CANADIAN 家產被盜賣及國際綁架幼兒罪證已於17JAN2013送交Burnaby RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON處請求查辦中CANADIAN Possessions stolen and sold internationally abducted children evidence was submitted to Burnaby RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton @ rcmp-grc.gc.ca) investigating at the request of 17JAN2013 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853

I very much hope to return to the family home in Canada, the strong request for help!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15148203

17 years ago, I had all the things entrusted to God and rely on God, and are still unable to feel at ease at ease.17年來,曾將所有事,交託神,倚賴神了,現仍無法安心踏實.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19247963


2014年12月5日 - 為何我對加拿大現況的教育成效抱疑,也對加拿大現況的商場場誠信失望? ... 我加拿大家產有:1989年加拿大移民投資魁北克二十五萬元加幣,及含滿 ...

Vancouver, Canada, Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,popo_85061@yahoo.com,Tel:00217788895306)Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687
My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755
Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang is wanted abduction of children.
Request arrest-USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607
RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca)investigating at the request of 17JAN2013.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853 I am looking for three BC Canadian children's father more than 17 years, would like to know the children who suffered abduction after their mother died last year, the current academic work and other daily overview?http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15742980
I think I have three BC Canadian children of their own life situation is dangerous http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19247963
I have immigrated to Canada, 17 years ago my family and property in Canada disappeared.
I very much hope to return to the family home in Canada, please help me .http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15334790
Since June 24, 1997,I have not seen BC Canadian my son and two daughters for 17 years.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14612099
Please help us once again happy reunion BC Canadian will be when appreciate it . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710


現在當父親的我就是他們世上最親近的長輩. 要愛母親,也要愛父親,中國傳統有世上沒有不是的父母的說法. 夫妻失和在加拿大法律規定不能阻止看望孩子。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19866364
請惠轉劉安婷小姐惠察:敬請包容冒昧打擾,因內心的一直思念又掛心,不由得鼓起勇氣,祈求您發慈心惠試幫忙,拜託!敬祝聖誕快樂 吉祥豐盛主內許登昭(Teng-Chao Hsu a.k.a.Derek Hsu) 敬上希望我能儘快可以與全家人團聚,而可開始衷心喜悅歡度聖誕節.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19826686
法律規定孩子最好能跟父母雙方維持好的關係。  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19141615
於法-發現被盜奪家產,及被拐藏人兒女,當然必定要索回及追究的,必需負賠償責任我的家庭確實受到江明樺與兩繼子Multiple Realty Paul Chang 張(又名博欽)書銘SU-Ming Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,popo_85061@yahoo.com,Tel:00217788895306)次子張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang( http://www.vision-institute.com/new-jersey/clark-chang-o-d.htm已逃去美國 ) 共謀奪我家誘拐幼童的破壞我家庭使我父子女損失重大受傷當然必得負賠償責任.

4.達成1,2,3項協議,我同意未來不再追究台灣及加拿大兩地相關刑事責任並儘力合理保障包兩繼子Paul Chang張(又名博欽)書銘SU-Ming Chang(1972/06/16生),次子張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)及我三親生兒女等五人他們的正常生活.
平安喜樂 萬事亨通
alpineatks 主內許登昭(Teng-Chao Hsu a.k.a.Derek Hsu)http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks










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