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2019/11/21 06:47:55瀏覽1504|回應0|推薦4

您就是聖誕季節,神所差遣來的天使!祈求您的慈心,智慧,技巧地促成我父子女歡相聚,必銘記在心,感恩圖報. 聖誕節又到了!  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/130980136   

 祈""台灣鄉親""惠助就近聯絡被藏匿溫哥華22年多三兒女們助我父子女再歡相聚 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008 

在香港回歸中國一週前,1997624三位溫哥華出生兒女,被因犯罪奪產的母親及剛溫哥華大學畢業的兩繼兄,台灣住家拐帶到加拿大,因為罪犯她們畏罪潛藏,並一路以謊言,對我三位溫哥華出生兒女,威迫利誘洗腦至今日(Multiple Realty Paul Chang 大繼子曾改稱張博欽 台灣原名張書銘 SU-Ming Chang,1972/06/16,888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306),所以我們父子無法聯絡上,至今我仍不知她們目前健康,外貌,長相,及學業,職業等生活狀況您就是聖誕季節,神所差遣來的天使!祈求您的慈心,智慧,技巧促成我父子女歡相聚,必銘記在心,感恩圖報. 祈待慈心惠覆,擔心網路聯絡痕跡,打草驚蛇壞事,恐需改以SKYPE: alpineatks ,Cell#:0939-191-134,E-mail: alpineatks@gmail.com ; drk_hsu@yahoo.ca 等方式聯絡,祈諒 !  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/130980136

 Justin Trudeau:

加拿大駐台代表芮喬丹(Jordan Reeves) 

聖誕節又到了!我遭遇溫哥華家人家庭家產全失蹤不見,比經歷火災更慘,別人很難理解,在很孤獨又無助下,1997年底幸運經朋友引介認識耶穌,輾轉各教會,6年後,本預備參加以琳基督教會浸洗,在上課期間,卻因緣際會,有感動,而2003年8月10日我迅速參加在新店行道會的八十多人的浸洗大會成為基督徒,本來能豪飲的我,卻奇妙地開始嫌棄酒味了.. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008 
敬致加拿大駐臺北貿易辦事處代表芮喬丹先生大鑒:Oh ! CANADA !喔.加拿大弊端重重, 使投資移民的我失去家人,住屋,家產..傷心地. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/117097863
投資移民加拿大的我,溫哥華房屋被偷賣了,家產,溫哥華六位家人皆失蹤不見 ! 我是持續尋找22年多三溫哥華出生兒女的父親發現加拿大是吃人的地方. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/129210503 
我曾進出加拿大十多次 也有進出中國十多次均為推廣加拿大留學移民經驗. 深知加拿大教育,司法弊端重重! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/129986188 
敬致加拿大駐臺北貿易辦事處代表芮喬丹先生大鑒:投資移民後我曾有進出加拿大十多次經驗:遭遇家人失蹤,住屋被偷賣,家產盜賣的結果.Oh ! CANADA !喔.加拿大弊端重重, 使投資移民的我失去家人,住屋,家產...22年多來的吃人傷心地. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/117097863 
投資移民加拿大的我,溫哥華房屋被偷賣了,家產,溫哥華六位家人皆失蹤不見 ! 我是持續尋找22年多三溫哥華出生兒女的父親發現加拿大是吃人的地方. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/129210503  
我曾進出加拿大十多次 也有進出中國十多次均為推廣加拿大留學移民經驗. 深知加拿大教育,司法弊端重重! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/129986188  
我是持續尋找22年多三溫哥華出生兒女的父親,我曾有進出加拿大十多次經驗:發現加拿大是吃人的地方.教育,司法弊端重重!  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/615741  
聖誕節又到了!我溫哥華家人家庭家產全不見,在很孤獨又無助下,1997年底幸經友引介認識耶穌,輾轉各教會,本預備參加以琳基督教會浸洗上課期間,因緣際會,有感動,而2003年8月10日我迅速參加在新店行道會的八十多人的浸洗大會成為基督徒,本來能豪飲的我,卻奇妙地開始嫌棄酒味了. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008
Oh ! CANADA !喔.加拿大司法,教育均弊端重重, CANADA是使我失去家人住屋家產等等藏污納垢的吃人傷心地. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11709786363   
遭遇溫哥華六位家人家庭家產全失蹤不見,忽然歸空的窘局,比經歷火災更慘,自己非常痛苦深傷,又很迷茫,別人很難理解,所以很孤獨又無助下,幸運經朋友引介認識耶穌,六年後,雖正受以琳基督教會柯希能牧師夫婦關懷,本預備參加浸洗,正在基理概要上課期間,卻因緣際會,有感動,而2003年8月10日迅速參加在新店行道會的八十多人的浸洗大會,受洗成為基督徒,本來能豪飲的我,卻奇妙地開始嫌棄酒味了..  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008 在耶穌裡都是好朋友,祈"台灣鄉親"惠助就近聯絡被藏匿溫哥華22年多三兒女們助我父子女再歡相聚. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008  
曾投資移民我是被溫哥華住家及家產違法盜賣,最後全部家人失蹤至今,22年多來,我是這事件,唯一的顯性受害人  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163 ,本想將分離22年多至今不聯絡的三兒女交託神保守,但近夢見她們抱怨我怎不儘快去幫忙打破圍堵他們身心的高牆. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111457100
神若願意,有規則必有例外,未來無限可能,人生非常美好。您就是聖誕季節,神所差遣來的天使!祈求您的慈心,智慧,地技巧促成我父子女歡相聚,必銘記在心,感恩圖報. 祈待慈心惠覆,擔心網路聯絡痕跡,打草驚蛇壞事,恐需改以SKYPE: alpineatks ,Cell#:0939-191-134,E-mail: alpineatks@gmail.com ; drk_hsu@yahoo.ca 等方式聯絡,祈諒 !  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/130980136



或許您已認識她們了,或許因為您同是從事房地產業,可以很容易地去認識我溫哥華的大女兒們,(我的大女兒公元1990129Burnaby BC Canada出生據說曾讀UBC, ,而且她們也可能正跟隨綁架她們的Multiple Realty Paul Chang大繼子曾改稱張博欽(台灣原名張書銘SU-Ming Chang1972/06/16) (888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306)大繼兄Paul Chang (又名博欽)書銘SU-Ming Chang在從事房地產有關行業)網路查知她們現溫哥華加欣家庭旅館(7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4) 祈求您的慈心,用智慧,技巧地,促成我父子女歡相聚,必銘記在心,感恩圖報, 神若願意,有規則必有例外,未來無限可能,人生非常美好。神的計劃,神的時間,奇妙難測,必是美好的!敬祝 天天快樂 闔家安康 境界更擴張 豐盛又祥和  主內弟兄許登昭敬上, E-mail: alpineatks@gmail.com drk_hsu@yahoo.ca 

大女許鈞媛(DENISE HSU),公元1990129Burnaby BC Canada出生。現被偷改母姓Chiang
大兒許鈞堤(DERRICK HSU),公元1990129Burnaby BC Canada出生。現被偷改母姓Chiang
二女許家慈(ANGELA HSU),公元1992224Burnaby BC Canada出生。現代醫學研究表明,在恐懼高壓下生命受到施暴者威脅時,受害者會陷入極度恐懼心理狀態,此時,施暴者對其施一點小恩小惠,受害者就會被感動得失去理智,甚至生出「愛」來。醫學上稱該心理狀態為「斯德哥爾摩綜合症」。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/130971260 現被偷改母姓 Chiang 但無論他們現況如何?我均如同天下父親般,一直關心兒女的身心健康及幸福,一直深愛他們,一直衷心祝福他们,一直掛心用各式各樣的方法,在尋找他們,希望與他們建立聯絡後,儘快能快樂團聚.祈求協尋!
Being a father, I deeply love my children, wish them a health body and happy life.
23 years ago, I worked and invested in Canada, but I cant adapt to the life of Canada.
Something bad happened to me and I went to Taiwan. However,all my family(wife and children) and fortune have left in Canada.
The worse, I lose the way to contact with my family.
I have looking for them by any ways, but havent had any information.
My children were born in Vancouver.
Hopeing find them soon, I desire to happily live with them.
If something could help find them, please give me an e-mail(drk_hsu@yahoo.ca).Thank you very much.
I am looking for three BC
anadian childrens father more than 19 years, would like to know the children who suffered abduction after their mother died last year, the current academic work and other daily overview?http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15742980
I think I have three BC
 Canadian children of their own life situation is dangerous http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19247963

My person data: Teng-Chao Hsu許登昭(DEREK HSU) ,birth date: 1956/08/30 , Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991)  Canadian social Insurance # 729-111-039  ,  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/112301792
Sincerely Lord許登昭(DEREK HSU).Cell#:0939-191-134

SKYPE: alpineatks , FaceBook: alpineatks , E-mail: alpineatks@gmail.com drk_hsu@yahoo.ca 
To My dearest son( Derrick Hsu
現被偷改母姓Chiang)and daughters( Denise Hsu現被偷改母姓Chiang& Angela Hsu 現被偷改母姓Chiang),認識神是智慧的開端,迷失的,我必尋找;被逐的,我必領回;軟弱的,我必加強。 神的禮品規格似不太符合?神要我仍要尋回初始的一切.…?神每讓我的祈求心想事成,在手舞足蹈後,發現不太對? 神要我尋回初始的心?
Dear Derrick,.
我希望您們先設身處地,未來若張博欽(前名張書銘Paul Chang)處境如我般,被奪取全部家產,所有兒女都被誘拐離身邊,失去完整的家13,而孑然一身了,.
Dear Derrick,現在您們竟反把我這父親當做外人了?
.Dear Derrick, 您一再問我目前是否實際掌握Angel ChiangPaulChangClerk Chang的犯罪資料及證據
犯罪資料及證據是無所不在的,就在你母親和PaulClerk Chang的心中, 他們心裡最明瞭自己的所作所爲,所以才會改名換姓,一再搬遷躲躲藏藏,又提心吊膽的.
資料證據若有虛偽,我將來又豈不被有錢有勢的Angel ChiangPaulClerk Chang的三人告我誣告?
.Dear Derrick,您們自己願意接受誠信檢驗嗎?.
.Dear Derrick,我要再建立一個完整的家, 完整的家中要有愛,真理,公義,:1.尋找你們最主要是為愛及責任,2.我亦要尋找真理,3.我亦要尋找公義。
==>To My dearest son( Derrick )and daughters( Denise & Angela ), In the last 12 years, I have never stop thinking about all of you. Due to my own ignorance and oversight, I did not foresee that our family was going to break up. When you all disappeared from my life, it really broke my heart. Holidays are times that families get together; instead, my heart is always full of sorrow. I can only look at your photos, and think about the good times that we had when you were still very young.
I always think about how Denise likes to be with me. You have your own way of thinking. You like everything neat, orderly and perfect. You helped to fold my clothes so neatly that I kept them the same way for more than 2 years. I think that you could become a very good artist or writer…
I always think about Derrick also. You are an introvert, more careful, gentle and patient. I think that you could be a very good engineer, architect or inventor…
I always think about Angela also. You are a very self-confident and determined person. You are determined to win. I think you could be a very good actor, playwright or screenwriter or a director…
As a father, it is my responsibility to be with you, to take care of you and to help and support you during these years of your growth. It must have been very hard for you all these years. I am very sorry about that. I have been grieving and felt deep guilt that I was not able to protect you, and provide a complete home for you. I have tried many different ways to look for you, but was unable to find you. I felt really powerless. I still hope that we would be able to reunite together soon.
As I face the realities of life in the past 12 years, my heart have been afflicted and tormented with deep feelings of shame and remorse. I can’t begin to describe the grief and anguish I have been through. I didn’t know God before. But over these years, because of His great love, God kept sending His angels (Christians) around my life. They introduced and led me to know Jesus in a personal way. I began to experience God’s presence in my life all the time. It’s exactly as the Bible says, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley (in the shadow of death), I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me.” God’s comfort and protection is what enables me to keep going in the darkest hours. He restores my soul, and He gave me the courage and the strength to face everything in life.
It certainly is my wish to have a happy reunion with all of you again as soon as possible, and that I can make every effort to express my love, care and support for you. At the same time, knowing God (our heavenly Father) in a personal way is so precious to me that I really want to lead you to know Him also as soon as possible. The most important thing I pray about is for you to receive the greatest gift God (our heavenly Father) wants to give you – His great and marvelous love! Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came into this world to save us by dying for our sins on the cross. On the third day, He rose again from the dead to prove that He is truly the Lord of life, who has the power to give eternal life to everyone who believes in Him. You can truly experience God’s grace and God’s love and goodness in your life by trusting Jesus as your Savior and Lord. Placing your faith in Jesus is the most important decision in your life. This is why I have eagerly and urgently sought the support of Christians everywhere to pray for you also.
May God bless you greatly!
I will LOVE you always!
許登昭(Teng-Chao Hsu a.k.a.Derek Hsu)
P.S. My beloved children, I want you to be proud that your dad is a good law abiding citizen, who will never break the law or do anything to bring shame to our family. If you need any outside help, I would recommend that you talk to a school counselor, or talk to God in prayer and visit a Bible believing Christian church. A friend recommends Evangelical Chinese Bible Church (see website: http://www.ecbc.org/english/index.php).
from, your father.
許登昭(Teng-Chao Hsu a.k.a.Derek Hsu)http://www.christianstudy.com/data/hymns/text/hymnary470.html
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