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having an obsession with this song
2018/01/09 16:46:45瀏覽38|回應0|推薦0

We can be as obsessed with food as we are with music, and vice versa, idolizing our favorite dishes and artists. Love Music Love Food, an artistic endeavor that resulted in a book documenting musicians and their favorite foods, does exactly that, finding a perfect combination of the two, half food porn, half rock star love.  ”I found the thought of a rock star so involved in food intriguing and had the potential for some creative imagery combining the portraits of artists with their favorite food or drink,” says food photographer and LMLF founder Patrice de Villiers.

So how do you go about pairing your dinner with the perfect mix? I asked Hickey, who’s the food music master.

I think it is important to pair music that shares similar qualities as the food you are eating. Sometimes, an album just intuitively feels like the right pairing for a dish. Other times, it takes a little more thought. When selecting our pairings, I take a number of factors into account. For example: “Does the dish use ingredients that are specific to a geographic area?” and “What are the most prominent flavors in the dish?”  I’ll sometimes make a list of the adjectives that come to mind. Then, I’ll look at the list I’ve made and try to find an album that shares those same characteristics.

( 興趣嗜好烹飪烘焙 )
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