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2018/12/31 22:39:06瀏覽1472|回應0|推薦2 | |
看不得人家老公 Hate to see some husbands 把老婆駡得團團轉 nag the wives to a whirling vertigo (反之也是) (or the other way around) 在喧鬧聲中 and amidst the howling of commotion 來一盤夫妻肺片 lets have a dish of Couples Recipe jerky 盡三杯女兒紅 and down three shots of Bridal Red wine (或是狀元紅) (or Champion Red wine) 看不得人家文章 Hate to see some doggerels 把文痞抄得團團轉 work the plagiarists to a whirling vertigo (反之也是) (or the other way around) 在垃圾堆邊 and beside the heap of garbage 來一缽「燉三六」(狗肉) lets have a pot of hot dog stew 盡三杯孔府家酒 and down three shots of Confucian liquor 看不得人家綠黨 Hate to see some Green Party 把綠島騙得團團轉 hoax the Green Isle to a whirling vertigo (單行道,反轉不得) (one way, irreversible) 在圓環街頭 and along street side of the Rotunda 來一碟蠔仔煎 lets have a plate of oyster pancake 盡三杯金門高粱 and down three shots of Quemoy Kaoliang 看不得人家普丁 Hate to see some guy Puting 把鄰居打得團團轉 beat the neighbors to a whirling vertigo (也是單行道,反轉不得)(also one way, irreversible) 在狼煙味裡 and over the smell of artillery smoke 來一碗羅宋湯 lets have a bowl of Russian Borscht 盡三杯純級伏特加 and down three shots of pure grade Vodka 看不得人家特爛舖 Hate to see some guy Trump 把任何事搞得團團轉 handle anything to a whirling vertigo (反之也是) (or the other way around) 如果他嚥牛排 Should he gobble his steak 嚥出毛病(他的特長) and gobble into trouble (his expertise) 噎死了 and choke to death 地球會不會停轉? would the World quit turning? 在慶祝會上 And during the gala party 該吃死 must we eat to death 還是絕食 or stage a hunger strike? 該醉死 must we get dead drunk 還是戒酒? or kick the drinking habit? 原著:醺人 Original by Tipsy Guy 譯文:老頑童 Version by Old Playful |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |