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[ CLAM ] CLAM 敏感滋潤清潔泡沫 120 ml
2017/07/28 09:35:59瀏覽38|回應0|推薦0

[ CLAM ] CLAM 敏感滋潤清潔泡沫 120 ml

[ CLAM ] CLAM 敏感滋潤清潔泡沫 120 ml, Korean, 化妝品 , CLAM, M-06, 5.Component : Foam, 6.Skin Type : all skin, 7.Effect : skin suppression, 4.Volume : 120ml, 9.Country of manufacture : 82, koreanmall

CLAM Sensitive Moisturizing Cleansing Form is perfect for all skin type and removes makeup, surface impurities and excess sebum while pre-serving skin''s moisture protective barrier. it transforms lucurious velvety cream into a divine lather that adheres perfectly to skin.

  • 5.Component : Foam
  • 6.Skin Type : all skin
  • 7.Effect : skin suppression
  • 4.Volume : 120ml
  • 9.Country of manufacture : 82

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    [ CLAM ] CLAM 敏感滋潤清潔泡沫 120 ml

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