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2009/04/17 19:22:04瀏覽200|回應0|推薦0

Affection came with a hush.
Love gone with silence.
Never a trace was found.
Only throns of dejection thrust my heart!

Hot kisses was just a passer-by,
ever I had been quaverous all over my body.
Painstaking urged the coldness drove your passions away.

Virulence of love stumbled me in blurred dreams..........
Aftertaste of sentiment was lost,
in the illusive world of mutation.
Fitful tears drifted around the space in every where,
no sound was heard, no voice was bawled.

Nobody knows the other side of splendid love,
frustrations and griefs had ever trampled hearts!
Whatever times have no return,
my ageless love is still being eternal!

( 創作詩詞 )
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