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【非逛不可】Peg-Perego Buggy Book 比價推薦商品
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最近對Peg-Perego Buggy Book



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Peg-Perego Buggy Book 設計式樣: Urban Denim · 2018

The trendy buggy Book by Peg-Perego satisfies both parents and child with high comfort, an innovative folding mechanism as well as its full equipment.

The light aluminium chassis is equipped with large and wide ball bearing wheels. A telescopic suspension on the rear wheels contributes to the buggy running particularly smooth - thus, nothing can stop you from strolling on bumpy roads. The swivel front wheels contribute to the Book's easy manoeuvrability and make it the perfect companion for a trip through town. If required and depending on the surface you are driving on, you can also lock the front wheels.

By featuring a particularly wide and robust chassis, the buggy Book supplies your child with enough space to stretch out and feel comfy. The 4-fold adjustable backrest as well as the two-fold adjustable footrest provide highest comfort wherever you go. Another great feature of the Book is its canopy which protects your child from direct sunlight and cold wind while the viewing window integrated in the canopy lets you always keep an eye on him. The spacious and easy-to-reach shopping basket offers enough space for storing small purchases as well as baby's travel essentials. The cover can be removed and washed by hand at 30°C max.

A five-point harness protects your child from standing up or dropping out while a safety bar adds to even more protection. In order to make it super easy for your child to get in and off the buggy, you can either remove the bar or else open it to the side. When combined with the Peg-Perego infant car seat Primo Viaggio SL (sold separately), the buggy Book is suitable right from birth.

Furthermore, the buggy Book comes with a blanket for your little one's legs as well as a rain cover. The blanket protects your little passenger from cold and wind and is perfect for keeping him warm when being out and about on cold days. The rain cover is just the right solution for keeping away rain and snow from your child and can be attached quickly and easily to the buggy.


  • 網路熱銷產品送禮酒推薦
  • Sporty buggy including blanket for the legs and rain cover

  • Large and wide ball bearing wheels

  • Diameter of front wheel: 17,5 cm, rear wheel: 26 cm

  • Rear wheels with telescopic suspension

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • 限時產品推薦產品
  • Extra-high and adjustable push bar (min. 78 cm/ max. 109 cm)

  • Parking brake that works on both rear wheels

  • Innovative folding mechanism

  • Canopy with viewing panel, five-point harness

  • Front bar can be removed or opened to the side

  • Backrest can be adjusted in four different levels until it reaches a recline position

  • Footrest can be adjusted in two positions

  • Large and robust mesh basket

  • Cover can be removed and washed by hand at max. 30°C

  • Automatic mounting system for the matching car seat Primo Viaggio SL (not included in delivery)

  • Size folded: W 59 x L 83 x D 38 cm

  • Size unfolded: W 59 x L 106 x D 93 cm

  • Weight: 9,0 kg

  • Made in Italy




Peg-Perego Buggy Book





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國家籃球運動員協會(NBPA)籃球夏令營 NBA球星現場教學

為了讓更多熱愛籃球的青少年有機會得到現役NBA球星及專業教練的指導,體驗頂級的籃球課程,美國國家籃球運動員協會(NBPA),將於紐約曼哈頓下東城36號港口的Basketball City舉辦青少年籃球夏令營。

營隊將分為兩梯次,兩梯次營隊共將有六位現役NBA球星參與。其中包括Kemba Walker沃克、Andre Drummond佐蒙德、Tim Hardaway Jr小哈達威、Tobias Harris哈里斯等知名球星。

第一梯次日期為8月6日至8月10日;第二梯次為8月13日至8月17日。招生年齡為9-17歲,營隊時間是每日上午9時至下午4時,地點在Basketball City @ Pier 36 (229 South St Pier 36. New York, NY 10002)。透過專業的籃球教學與訓練,除增強團隊協作能力及個人技能發展外,營隊也將結合NBPA育人項目,邀請球星或NBA演說家來給予學員們特別的鼓勵。

NBPA特別與Basketball City以及BC Hoops合作,營隊將有專家級的籃球教學與訓練,專注於學員的技術與人格培養。營隊期間更有全場籃球賽,分組訓練以及挑戰賽等。營隊結束時,教練以及指導員更會為學員送上手寫的訓練評估與反饋。此活動目前只有在紐約舉辦,每一位學員也會得到一套正反兩穿的籃球衣與球褲。更有機會獲得NBA球星的親筆簽名與合照機會。

本營隊由世界日報協助中文招生事宜,歡迎喜好籃球的男女青少年報名參加。活動需報名費用,詳請請洽718-746-8889 Ext. 6361,或E-mail至simonwei@worldjournal.com。

Peg-Perego Buggy Book

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